There are basically two types of “why questions”
The first type of “why question is one where an individual is inquiring to gather information with the intention of benefiting their life. The information they gather is of real value that they can use to assist them.
The ... Views:1580
Notice the word "action" within the Law of Attr - action...
Action is very important in the manifesting process. I believe it is not emphasized enough in the movie "The Secret." They mention taking action here and there throughout the movie. However, taking action is essential to using ... Views:1900
There are 7 essential Lessons in Using the Law of Attraction.
1.) Gratitude. Be grateful for everything, everyday, all day long.
2.) Choose Good Feelings. What you give out to the world in feeling energy, you will attract back to you, so choose happy feelings.
3.) Law of polarity. Every ... Views:3605
It has been said that "money makes the world go around." Is this really true? Lets examine this saying a little bit further.
The truth about money is this. Money has absolutely no value what so ever and I can prove it. Money or the numbers that you see on your account balance are worthless. ... Views:1574