Daily Catapult to qualify for your successful future
(c)Hyacinth E. Gooden-Bailey, M.A.
There are many theories about success these days and several versions of those theories, but it all depends on you what success really is. I am pleased to share with you a few powerful guidelines which ... Views:1582
By Hyacinth E. Gooden-Bailey
Ancient teaching on Healing tell us about seven Chakras (7 circular vortexes of energy – the focal points of our life force) which are vital to our holistic well-being. This teaching relates to Intuition at Chakra no. 6, ... Views:1525
If you were born between 1946 and 1964 or are of the generation after World War II, you belong to the Baby Boomers generation, so they say. You have passed over the Consciousness Revolution of 1964-84 and the MTV Generation of 1975-85 and ... Views:1386
Investing in your retirement we usually talk about money, but well in advance and more importantly we need to invest some time to plan ahead, to give yourself a second chance to figure out what you should really be doing with your life. Pre-retirement is a good time to invest in useful guidance, ... Views:1440
I would like to give 5 coooool tips for staying calm, positive and even going beyond that. 2009 seems to be the year in which the whole world and not just some parts of it will learn the lesson of LOSS ( from their own experience or observing the experience of others). Loss is a part of change. ... Views:1296
Multiple careers are increasingly the norm in the working world, from necessity or from finding that you have multiple talents to share. I am saying this to say that you don’t have to be one-tracked about your choice of which career to follow, if you have the talents, time, energy and relevant ... Views:1759
‘When the going gets tough, the tough get creative” Thomas Edison
In Part I, we saw that we needed to understand our situation, accept our situation, determine what we would like to be different and then decide what actions should be taken. We also recognized that it is our intentions and ... Views:1237
“Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over.” F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Change comes to us from every direction and we either get swallowed up by it or utilize it for our own advantage. That is easier said than done. It depends on the type of change. True. ... Views:1848
To efficiently achieve goals which you want to set, and enjoy the process, let's look at some smart steps to be taken.
1. FOCUS your innate creativity on one, two or three well-defined goals. If they are clearly in view, keep revising as necessary until you get there.
2. IDENTIFY your purpose, ... Views:1363
The view of the Law of Attraction that I have is that, it is really nothing new, in an historic sense. It is an amalgamation of thought and practice that many have applied without actually naming the behavior or that approach to life. Like most things considered ‘discovered’ – like the New ... Views:1366
Hyacinth E. Gooden-Bailey,M.A.
Both Coaches and their clients need to do some healthy self-talking each day. I discovered the general value of self-talk as a girl going to school and preparing for examinations. I confirmed ... Views:1333
The following tips are only valid if reviewed repeatedly because they are easily forgotten as we get busy ‘living’. They are clustered here mainly so that you can get a handle on them one at a time rather than try to decipher a whole book of philosophy or theories which leaves you lost and ... Views:1544