EFT Tapping Tips for the Holidays
Christmas comes but once a year. It is a time of great anticipation, excitement, joy and good times for many. For some, it is not. There are high expectations, hope and determination that this year, things will be different. Maybe this year everything will work ... Views:1489
The following is a synopsis of the first two sessions I recently spent with a remarkable human being. I will call her "Kay."
Kay is 64 years old and spent much of her life in the great Canadian frozen North. Alone in a log cabin, she birthed two daughters. Her husband's job necessitated that he ... Views:1473
A Case History from Dr. Alex Lees’ Files “Bev”
"Bev" had been weeping as she entered the reception room, and was still weeping some ten minutes after she sat down in my office. Offers of tea, and other attempts to reach her had failed miserably, so I called her friend, ... Views:1507
In our zest to apply EFT efficiently, we sometimes phrase this desire in our mind as: “The more tapping, the better.” This can be quite a valid assumption, to a point! While teaching EFT, I have observed some EFT practitioners begin tapping the ‘client’ within a few ... Views:1506
"Writings on our walls" is an interesting phrase and refers to "the truths" we learned as children. Some of these truths, as it turned out, became quite supportive, and sustained us in achieving successes in various aspects of our lives. On the other hand, many of us may have learned truths that ... Views:1372