Reflexology, also known as touch therapy, originated in ancient China where pressure or massage stimulation was applied to the feet to treat or reduce diseases of certain organs. Certain pressure points were said to stimulate certain organs in ancient Taoist belief. Reflexology is an ancient ... Views:4637
Every feel like punching something (a wall, pillow, etc.) when under stress? Just the thought of physical release of the stress energy building up inside sounds great. Well, instead of punching something out, how about using a stress ball to relieve all that tension. This simple ball that ... Views:3733
Should a person who wants to try natural healing remedies ask their doctor about natural healing? While most people would not hesitate to consult a doctor about natural remedies, there are some who are skeptical about getting the opinion of a practitioner of modern medicine about natural healing ... Views:1258
The American Institute of Stress acknowledges there is no single definition for stress. Stress affects almost everyone differently and what stresses one person might not another. One thing experts do agree upon, however, is the fact that stress can have some very serious implications. One of ... Views:1391
Homeopathy is an alternative approach to medicine based on the belief that natural substances, prepared in a special way and used in small amounts, restores health. It is a sophisticated method of individualizing small doses of medicines to start the healing response. Homeopathic remedies seem ... Views:1255
Have you ever wondered whether there was another way of retaining that youthful glow of your skin without spending a fortune on all the anti-aging beauty products that are being advertised today? Well, there is, and it's in your kitchen. There are many effective, safe and inexpensive home ... Views:19376
We often think that the effects of stress are more mental than physical. It's true that stress affects us mentally but the effects of stress also affect us physically. If you want an indication as to whether a person is successfully dealing with stress, just look at their belly. A person's ... Views:1661
As the years increase, we notice that the once youthful image we saw in the mirror become more of a memory. Damage from sun exposure, stress and toxins take their toll by leaving wrinkles and other skin disorders. Modern medicine offers a variety of ways to improve our appearance but many ... Views:1723
In this day and age, we all experience stress and anxiety in one form or another on a daily basis. Historically, stress was good -- it helped our ancestors escape from danger or gave them the strength and power to fight off predators. Changes occurred in their bodies that gave them the ability ... Views:1242
So many people these days are in search of the best weight loss plan to lose weight quick and easy. Unfortunately, they will be sorely disappointed as there is no such thing as the best weight loss plan for quick and easy weight loss. Because each individual is different, no one plan will be ... Views:1253
We often think of stress management as a serious subject. And although the subject is serious, stress can ruin lives, managing it effectively need not be. There are ways of having fun while managing stress. The following are some fun ideas for effective stress management.
Squeeze that ball. ... Views:1173
While we in the West are more familiar with the way doctors practice traditional medicine for healing, the ancient Eastern practice of medicine known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (or TCM), has recently become popular in the West as an alternative to traditional medicine. In order to ... Views:1064
Whether it's a bad day at the office or a stressful day at home, there is nothing like stress relief through the use of aromatherapy. What is so distinctive about aromatherapy is the use of your sense of smell to help heal your mind. Essential oils are use to provide mental, spiritual, and ... Views:830
We all live lives that are crammed with meetings, deadlines, and tons of stuff that can leave us stressed, anxious, and frazzled at the end of the day. Stress and anxiety can ruin our health. It affects our sleep, our energy, makes us look and feel older, and can even lead to various diseases ... Views:1050
We are a nation of "fat cats" in more ways than one. As the prosperity level of the people in the U.S. have grown, so have our waistlines. A CDC study finds that over the past 25 years, obesity rates have increased to 34% of U.S. adults over age 20. It seems we are a rapidly "spreading" ... Views:844
In our youth-oriented society, we are constantly bombarded with information on how to stay young. From skin care products that claim to reverse the signs of aging to books that claim to help you eat to stay young, we are a people in search of the fountain of youth. One solution that truly may ... Views:868
Exercise is one of the best, if not THE best, way to relieve stress. When the body is fully engaged in an exercise program, it releases endorphins in the brain, which creates a natural high and dissolves the stress, leaving you feeling energized and relaxed.
It doesn’t matter what type of ... Views:1150
What is it about the weekend that tends to sabotage all the good weight loss choices we made through the week? Is it because we put our guard down on the weekends and feel we "deserve" to not have to count calories or watch what we eat because we were so "good" about it through the week? ... Views:1586
When you think of weight loss, what comes to mind first? Deprivation, starvation, hunger? No wonder "diet" is a four-letter word! Instead of thinking of it as a "diet" (what do the first three letters of that word spell? -- that's right, D-I-E) why not incorporate the following tips to help ... Views:934
Everyone worries from time to time, but if your worrying starts to interrupt your daily life and causes debilitating anxiety, you may have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, or GAD. While people with GAD may begin by worrying about simple things, GAD can easily take over a person's life and cause ... Views:897
Many people love to get massages because they feel great, but what most people may not realize is that massage also provides health benefits. When massage therapy and techniques are done properly, massage can decrease stress levels, provide muscle relaxation, and improve your immune system. ... Views:1330
We are becoming a nation of overweight people. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported the rate of adult obesity has doubled between 1980 and 2002. Overweight and obesity in Americans has been a mounting problem for nearly 25 years and continues to worsen with a growing ... Views:940