An understanding of the importance of enzymes might just be one of the key elements missing in ones awareness of optimal health. When I first heard about enzymes I had no idea what they were. I had a clue that they had something to do with digestion but I felt there was more to this miracle ... Views:1347
Don't touch that Dial! And I don't mean the dial on your TV but the dial on your Microwave. I have not used a microwave oven in quite some time. When I did use one I had always had this awkward gut feeling like something was strange about a bright light and a weird wind like sound that would ... Views:1823
We as humans come in all shapes and sizes. (Short, Tall, Round, Slim, Muscular, Fat). Even the smallest of people could be extremely strong and someone overweight is often seen passing someone much thinner in a marathon. Being fit with a low body fat percentage or being able to bench 350 lbs ... Views:1144
As a vegetarian I am often asked the question "How do you get your protein without eating meat?" I love to answer this question because I know in that moment there is a chance of changing someone's life forever. At first, the reason I switched to being a vegetarian did not have to do with the ... Views:1383
I believe we as humans can live to 150 years old.... In fact, we live in a world filled with negativity and materialistic motivations. Those of us who can conquer the belief system that society forces upon us and truly connect with their own inner powers will have the greatest chance of ...I ... Views:2019
I speak often on the subject of nutrition, health, wellness, and fitness and several things have become clear to me. Almost everyone wants to lose weight, look better, feel better, have more energy, feel happiness and joy and just plain and simply have more fun and enjoy life. However, very few ... Views:1089
Have you ever heard of the term Money is Energy or everything is Energy? Energy comes from many places such as emotional uplift, adrenaline, Biological processes at the cellular level, but at the core it is the state of someone's Acid-Alkaline balance. There are some individuals who seem to be ... Views:1210
I remember the first time I really "got it" in regards organic foods and their enormous benefits. I was standing in a supermarket which sold primarily organic food products called Whole Foods market. I had just finished a long run and was just looking for something healthy to eat. I walked ...I ... Views:1390
What is a superfood? I often get this question whenever I mention that my diet consists primarily of organic foods and in particular organic superfoods. Superfoods are foods which are extremely nutrient dense and give you the biggest bang for your buck compared to other foods. They contain ... Views:1118