We asked our dog, Chip to share his stress reduction techniques with everyone, because he never seems to let life’s ups and downs bother him. Chip is a Bassett Hound who practices relaxing everyday. He lives with two Great Danes and some humans, but he has figured out how to keep calm even ... Views:1025
Women and depression is a topic that has received a great amount of comments at this website. We have written about Understanding Depression, including descriptions, causes and remedies for the different types of depression; but women want to know more about their gender-specific concerns. ... Views:1162
Only you can take control of your life. Much of the time you may feel that you have little control over the world around you. The daily events may continue with or without your input. But you do have control over how you react to what life has sent your way. Life is made up of choices, and ... Views:1606
Why Are Relationships Important in People’s Lives?
It is easy to feel isolated when life is challenging and you are struggling with stressful situations in your life. During times like these, you may want to withdraw from socializing with people and stay by yourself, away from others. You ... Views:18466
Handling the holidays can be stressful, but these stress reducing tips can make your life easier and less hectic. You know that even your best laid plans can go awry when unexpected guests arrive or that last minute gifts fail to show up on your doorstep from the UPS delivery man. Try these ... Views:1018