A few months ago, I was with a group of friends, and while talking with two women, I learned how one was now caring for her Mother In Law. It was a change in plans for her and her husband, and it meant putting some things on hold. The other friend talked about how her mother would likely come ... Views:1005
Today I got my latest edition of People Magazine. I know. I know. But it’s my one guilty pleasure-read each week. I fit it in between The New Yorker and The Atlantic Monthly – both of which take me much longer to read. Not as many pictures. Good cartoons, though.
I digress.
This week’s ... Views:976
There are some great articles on the web that can give you information about what signs to look for to tell you if your parent needs more help. Next Avenue and A Place for Mom are two that have good information. Common items are:
• Difficulty with Activities of Daily Living (often referred ... Views:857
It’s excrutiating to witness the pain of someone you love. Whether that pain is physical, emotional or spiritual, it is almost overwhelming to witness knowing there is little you can do to really alleviate the pain.
Sure, with physical pain you might be able to make the other person more ... Views:1082
Parenting presents a crossroad every time you turn around. Becoming an Empty Nester is one of the bittersweet ones.
In August 2018 my husband and I dropped off our youngest, a daughter, at college. Now we are officially Empty Nesters. I cannot think of a more poignant crossroads for me at ... Views:794
Many of us run around at top speed trying to do it all a great deal of the time. There are quite a few expectations and quite a few triggers around every corner, it seems.
Our bodies, though, likely don’t know that little crises will soon pass. Our bodies just keep taking the hit. For me ... Views:1046
Living in the Sandwich Generation is a tough squeeze!
What’s the Sandwich Generation? Those are folks who are busy raising children while also caring for an aging parent. Nearly 47% of Americans are part of the Sandwich Generation.
One of the kickers is that it tends to sneak up on ... Views:1107
Living in the Sandwich Generation is a tough squeeze!
What’s the Sandwich Generation? Those are folks who are busy raising children while also caring for an aging parent. Nearly 47% of Americans are part of the Sandwich Generation.
One of the kickers is that it tends to sneak up on ... Views:1016