Through no fault of their own most patients do not understand how to communicate effectively and efficiently with their physicians. The layperson cannot be expected to grasp complicated scientific principles it took their physicians many years to learn.
Nevertheless, this gap in communication ... Views:1268
By getting in the habit of reading the nutrition label on food before buying it, you can make a dramatic improvement in your health. Reading labels is far more important than comparing prices to save money. By reading labels you may save much more than dollars and cents. You may save yourself a ... Views:1109
Heart failure is an extremely common condition that affects close to 5 million people in America. Each year an additional 550,000 new cases of heart failure are diagnosed. For those over 65 years of age, it has long been most common cause of hospitalization.
While the name can be deceiving, ... Views:1284
Taking charge of your health has never been so important. While scientific advances are booming, health insurance costs are not far behind. As a matter of fact, more and more companies are being forced to drop health insurance coverage just to keep their doors open for business. Many have ... Views:1092
The American Cancer Society estimates that each year, close to 435,000 people die from tobacco use. If two 747 jets crashed every day, killing everyone on board, we would be outraged! Most would opt to drive to faraway destinations (or just not go) rather than ever play Russian roulette with an ... Views:1388
Complete blood counts (CBCs) are frequently performed because they give important information on the status of the different blood cell components. For instance, the white blood cell count is increased with many infections and in certain other conditions as well. It can also be decreased in ... Views:2249
The pharmaceutical industry has come a tremendous way in researching and developing an endless armamentarium of medications that can do everything from easing the symptoms of the common cold to decreasing the risk of developing a potentially fatal cancer. Nevertheless, even the scientists who ... Views:1181
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*** Know Your Headache- byDr. Ann Hester, The Official Guide to Medical Advice and Resources
Headaches are one of the most common causes that people see a physician. This common symptom can be the result of something as innocuous as stress or something as immediately life-threatening as a ruptured aneurysm. Knowing how to tell your story to your physician can go a tremendous way in ... Views:1189
When you see your physician about abdominal pain there are certain things you should consider. Abdominal pain has many, many causes and the way your present your story and the details you give can help your physician make the diagnosis immediately, or can prolong your diagnosis and put you at ... Views:1480
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death in America. Each year, hundreds of thousands of Americans die from heart disease. Many people have no idea they even have CAD. As a matter of fact, the first indication that many people have heart disease is when they have a massive ... Views:1240
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading killer of men and women in America. All tissues in the body need oxygen to survive, and the heart is no exception. Coronary arteries supply the heart with its needed blood supply.
In coronary artery disease, thick patches of fatty tissue, called ... Views:990
Diverticulosis is a very common condition of the colon that affects millions of people as they grow older. It has been estimated that close to half of Americans 60 years of age or older have this condition. In diverticulosis, part of the colon bulges out through weak spots in the colon wall. ... Views:1432
A recent study shows that coffee consumption can decrease a woman’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This important 11-year study showed that decaffeinated coffee, in particular, was associated with a lower risk of diabetes in women. Mark A. Periera, PhD, from the University of Minnesota in ... Views:857
Breast cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in women, surpassed only by lung cancer. The American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates that over 200,000 women in the United States will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in 2006. The ACS further estimates that close to 41,000 ... Views:861
We faithfully change the oil in our cars and the filters in our heaters to eliminate the impurities that build up over time which could hinder the performance of these mechanical devices. So why is it that we do not we apply the same logic to our bodies? Many cultures around the world have ... Views:933
When you go to the doctor she may run a series of ‘routine tests.’ However, there are different tests that paint completely different pictures. For instance, a CBC (complete blood count) is used to measure the level of various blood cells, such as white blood cells and red blood cells. On the ... Views:4391
With the skyrocketing cost of medical care, everyone should know useful strategies to lower their medical bills. A few are listed below.
Tip 1:
Learn as much as you can about your illness. Take advantage of the many educational resources your doctor offers (such as pamphlets), search the Web ... Views:978