You may hope it will never happen, but one day you may find that your parents or older relatives need your help to manage their home. How will you carry out the sacred trust of getting the best price or helping them keep the property, and age in place? Even more difficult, may be guiding them ... Views:4322
You see them everywhere. Maybe your aunt or even your mother is one. Women with middle and even upper bracket financial backgrounds are pinching pennies and depriving themselves in their golden years. Sometimes we find it comical, as when 78-year-old cousin Bessie brings a plastic bag to the ... Views:2544
Have you seen people who look young and healthy until they smile? Then you notice missing and brown teeth, and they age ten years in your estimation?
In “Pretty Women,” the Julia Roberts’ character tells her rich and handsome weekend lover, “I never neglect to floss.” It seemed like ... Views:1810
Passive Income-The Ageless Millionaire Way to Financial Independence
By Adriane Berg
A cautionary fairly tale warns us not to kill the goose that lays the golden egg. But, for most of us “Wealthicide” is not our problem. We never had the golden goose in the first place. Well, it’s time to get ... Views:3175