Empowerment is a big word, covering a host of subjects. You can empower yourself in your health, becoming vitally, energetically alive and radiantly healthy. You can also dis-empower yourself, unconsciously fostering your own pain and disease, even while you consciously wish for health. You can ... Views:1894
Are you interested in reducing stress? Would you like to achieve more while doing less? Did you know that by consistently applying one basic principle, you can turn a stress-filled tension-packed life into a relatively stress-free, balanced life? You will be far more productive, and find more ... Views:1869
Do you suffer from chronic back pain, leg, neck or shoulder pain? A number of mind-body tools that can help you dramatically reduce your pain. This can help you take charge of discomfort that until now may have seemed out of your control, and move forward in your life with greater ease and ... Views:1857