As kids, we generally learn that forgiveness is just a word that you say. When you forgive, it’s like letting the other person off the hook. They say they’re sorry and you hug and make up. But what does that really do? Do we feel differently? Does that make the hurt go away? Generally ... Views:2583
Face it, we all put things off. We leave the hard stuff till last and hope that it somehow gets dropped off our "to do" list. We find other things to do that are "more important." It's just amazing how many "emergencies" can pop up to lead us away from taking the action we need towards our ... Views:2292
When I woke up this morning, I could hear the birds singing outside (very clearly since the windows were open). I realized how lucky I am to live in a country where life is so easy. I know - you’re thinking “Easy? Times are rough right now!”
Let’s put things in perspective, though. Yes, ... Views:1759
It’s tough being a woman – expectations are high and competition is rough. We are taught at an early age that it’s wrong to speak our minds, wrong to make mistakes, wrong to be too assertive…so many of us end up at the mercy of “the stronger sex.” This ... Views:1550
We’ve been taught from a young age to forgive others. But no one ever guides us through the wisdom and healing that self forgiveness can bring. This article stresses the importance of self forgiveness for health, success and spiritual growth.
“Tell your sister you forgive her, go ... Views:4482
“I forgive you…” It’s something we say as kids, but not so much in adulthood. And as kids, we don’t really mean it…somebody just makes us say it. So, what is forgiveness, and how can it impact illnesses, disease, your body and your ... Views:1830
Many smokers are turning to hypnosis for a safe, healthy, successful way to quit smoking. The question is…does it really work? This article describes the pitfalls of current treatments available and the benefits of using hypnosis to stop smoking.
Smoking used to be cool. It was a way ... Views:1697
You’ve been riding the weight loss roller coaster, countless yo-yo diets, pills, patches, “food programs,” exercise programs, surgery and more advice than you know what to do with. Low-carb, lowfat, grapefruit, cabbage soup, apple diet, juice diet, metabolism diet, sugar ... Views:1617
Many people are beginning to practice the “secret” Law of Attraction. From corporate professionals to home care nurses, people in every profession are discovering that the Universal Laws can work for them. But what happens when it doesn’t work? Here are some reasons that the ... Views:1895
Stress has been linked to at least 75% of health issues. This may be direct or indirect stress and may involve more than just the stress of your job or your relationship. In this article, you will learn a powerful technique to help you improve or restore your health.
The U.S. Centers for ... Views:1730
Cut through the confusion of the Law of Attraction. These clear, basic steps are what you need to propel you to prosperity fast.
It’s 7:30 in the evening, and I’m sitting down with a cup of tea. Earl Grey, my favorite. I pull out a magazine and immediately the phone rings. ... Views:1211
Stress has a powerful influence on how we feel, emotionally, mentally and physically. This powerful technique can be used anywhere to help you relieve stress and relax. All you need is two minutes and a quiet place where you can close your eyes.
You’re stressed out – admit it. ... Views:1199
Just about everybody can work on their self esteem. This article shows you steps you can take to boost your self esteem and increase your confidence levels, and feel better immediately.
We live in a society where, from pretty much the time you are born, life is about looking good and fitting ... Views:1126
Using the Law of Attraction for Prosperity
You may have seen The Secret. Maybe you’re a fan of Wayne Dyer, Abraham Hicks or Bob Proctor. Or you may just be into positive thinking. But have you noticed that no one tells you HOW to use the Law of Attraction?
That’s right. They ... Views:1005