OK, I admit it. I like football. This season has been especially exciting to watch. Although I don’t understand all the strategies just yet, I enjoy watching the carefully planned plays. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t, but nevertheless, very fun stuff to watch.
As I’m watching ... Views:1275
As if dealing with the emotional roller coaster of divorce isn’t enough, the debt and financial challenges that go along with it, can frighten even the strongest of souls. Although it can be a very confusing time, there are some simple steps you can take to keep debt in check. Take things one ... Views:1245
A guide for divorced women and single moms
After the emotional trauma of a divorce, reality sets in and slaps you in the face. You are now alone, dealing with so many issues and responsibilities that once were shared. The overwhelm can be paralyzing….or empowering. Your finances and ... Views:1591
I remember it vividly. It was shortly after my divorce was final and the highly emotional state had calmed a bit. Although it did not happen suddenly, the realization hit me like a slap in the face. I didn’t know who I was.
The I that I was looking for had been pushed aside for years, by me. ... Views:1424