Have you ever said or thought these words … “I know I have a book in me, but I don’t have the time to write it” or, “I know my story would help lots of people, but it costs too much money to publish a book”? There are lots of people out there in the same boat and they are trying to find the ... Views:1938
You’ve been grateful your whole life. In fact, among the first words you learned as a child are the words “thank you”. Your parents taught you when to say it, who to say it to and that you should say it every time something good is bestowed upon you. As you grew up, you found that when you ... Views:1808
It was January, 2003… the beginning of a whole new life for me. A few months earlier, my thriving business of eight years had abruptly changed course, seemingly out of my control. Within a period of twelve weeks, my business, and my life, as I had known it was over.
For some reason ... Views:2088
Have you ever noticed that the people who have lots of connections to other people seem to be more healthy and happy than those who have few or no connection to others? This is no coincidence.
Connections are the essence of life. At a very basic level, it is our connection to other people ... Views:1894
What’s in your heart? What’s really in your heart? Do you know? Have you thought about it lately?
So many of us live our day-to-day lives simply going through the motions. We just go on doing the things we’ve always done. We talk to the same people about the same things, ... Views:1634
How could one small mosquito create such a huge stir? It’s simple. It decided what it wanted - your blood. It took action - bit you. In that moment when the mosquito bites you, sucks your blood and then withdraws, it is fulfilling one of the primary functions of its’ short life. ... Views:1786
In our society today, “connections” is a huge buzz word. If you are connected, you are someone who has access to and influence with the “right” people. The “right” people will vary depending on certain situations that arise. At times, we may desire ... Views:3341
“I forgive you.” These three words can be the most freeing words spoken. They offer immediate release, immediate acceptance and immediate love and compassion.
These words need not even be spoken aloud. They can be a silent statement – a thought, almost a prayer. When we forgive someone for ... Views:1799