In keeping with the natural cycles of our planet, Spring is the time of the year to seed our intentions so that they grow and manifest during Autumn's harvest. The Cosmological lineup in Aries since the Spring Equinox has been compelling our thoughts and feelings to focus on self, the 'I AM' ... Views:1395
With what is happening in the world today, it is a wonder anyone doubts that 2012 is turning out to be a historical year. Even Jon Stewart mentioned this week on The Daily Show "maybe the Mayans were on to something!" Oftentimes our mind tries to categorize all the changes as separate isolated ... Views:2207
On February 11th, 2011 we entered the final stage of the Mayan Calendar and the acceleration of time as we know it. Every 20 days we will experience an incremental 'bump up' in vibration that pushes our denser energy to adjust and change. In the same manner that pressure applied to a solid ... Views:1609
Well it has been one hell of a week of changing, shifting tides on the world stage, as the old system of power surrenders to the growing call for establishing a new world order. The voice of freedom, equality and universal justice is sounding loud and clear around the world, and cannot be ... Views:2022
I was a child of the 60's when I first learned about the dawning of the Age of Aquarius...I would listen to the lyrics of the songs from Hair all the time.
"When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars" ... Views:2187
As the Holiday Season draws us into the well-wishing, gift giving and a warm sense of cheer, we also are experiencing a tremendous wave of energy sweeping the planet at this particular time that cannot be ignored. Although we would much rather pay attention to all the fun parties, rich meals and ... Views:1499
As we come to the end of another year, there seems to be a palpable tension in the air, like holding one’s breath! I see it all around me, signs of the Great Shift in consciousness as we welcome a new world paradigm unfolding before us. A decade ago I never would have believed how many people ... Views:1606
We are currently in the middle of eclipse season, with the 2nd solar eclipse coming this Sunday, July 11th in Cancer. This is a time for re-evaluating our Core identity, truth and purpose in life, and making the required adjustments and new alliances with a life path full of conscious choices in ... Views:3157
Some time last year I began to receive images and glimpse into the underlying issues coming up during 2010 and how our collective human family would be dealing with an extraordinary karmic backlash as we entered the 2012 astrology. It appeared to be a boomerang ripple affect as shadow ... Views:3777
Big and bright in the sky tonight is the Leo Full Moon, blazing for all to see and feel. The powerful lunar waves are moving into our collective awareness, as we are reminded of the beauty and majesty of our universal rhythms and cycles. So much has occurred since the New Year double eclipses, I ... Views:1676
We are moving into interesting times! We are at the brink of a New age of hope and re-construction. At the epicenter of this New Age is a heart-warming movement of human empathy and unified vision. We are no longer satisfied with building up our egos and feeding the insatiable beast ... Views:1043
There seems to be a strong movement in popular culture in recent years about how to "tap" into Universal Abundance...lots of books, videos and lectures abound on the subject. And yet, it doesn't appear many folks are achieving success in mastering the Law of Attraction. In many cases, it appears ... Views:1844
The Wellness Industry is a growing powerhouse of New Age books, music, meditations, seminars, techniques and products. Coming from someone who has been involved with alternative healing and new consciousness way before it was warms my heart to see the increasing awareness and ... Views:1124