Let’s face it – as a small business owner, you are facing tough times in our current business environment. The economy is weak, cash flow is tight, and it’s almost impossible to get a line of credit, or even keep the one that you have. It seems that the current administration views small ... Views:1289
If you’ve been paying attention to the news at all lately, the big topic of conversation is the new proposed healthcare legislation, or “America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009”. This bill is 1018 pages long, and will completely change the healthcare system in the United States if and ... Views:1533
As business owners, we are always looking to be more successful - however you define success. The question I have for you this month is, "are you ready for EXTREME success?" If you are ready to take your business to places you never dreamed of before, you will really need to challenge yourself ... Views:1204
Meet Jim. Jim is an ordinary salesperson about to make a sales call to a new prospect. Jim, like most ordinary salespeople, starts the conversation by asking one of the following questions of his newly found prospect:
Who are you currently using as a supplier for XYZ product, and how much are ... Views:2128
As small business owners, we are in charge of building our business, growing our customer base, and holding our employees accountable. But who holds us accountable? Who do we turn to for expert advice? How do we make sure that we are on track and where we want to be? One of the most effective ... Views:1639
Good salespeople spend 20% of their time talking to customers, and the other 80% of their time listening to their customers. Great salespeople do this as well, but with a slight distinction - they ask better questions. Asking powerful questions of your customers can open up doors to new ... Views:1300
Are you effectively developing your organization? Do the goals of your employees integrate well with the overall goals of your company? Do you have a strong system in place to take advantage of the rapid changes in the business world?
One way to make sure that you are developing your overall ... Views:1791
Every small business should have a marketing plan. This is a critical tool that will help keep you focused on marketing your business, and is very easy to put together. Simply follow the 6 steps below to build a simple and effective marketing plan for your business!
Step 1 - What is the ... Views:1170
As a coach, one of the main ways that I add value for my clients is assisting them in navigating around, and sometimes through, the barriers that prevent them from getting what it is they truly want. The biggest obstacle that we all face is our own internal fear. Here is a four step process that ... Views:1238
One of the best ways to improve your overall profitability is to hire and retain top talent. Hiring is especially critical in a small business, as you have less employees, and thus, less room for error. Hiring the wrong employee can cause many issues, including: employee turnover, loss of ... Views:1261
One of the top reasons a small business struggles or goes out of business is poor cash flow. Here are a number of things that you can do to end your cash flow issues once and for all!
1. Ask yourself what it is costing your business
Determine how your cash flow issues are effecting your ... Views:978
Are you one of those people that set New Year's resolutions? If so, how often have you found that at the end of the year, you haven't achieved what you set out to accomplish? What would it mean for you if you could actually achieve your goals this year? Here are my keys to goal setting, why ... Views:970
Do you find yourself tolerating a lot? Do people seem to take advantage of you? Do you spend a lot of time doing things that you would rather not do? If this describes you (it describes most of us), then use the following method to help yourself SET stronger boundaries:
Set the boundary
The ... Views:1139
Do you work for an effective manager? In today's competitive corporate environment, the most effective managers and leaders incorporate the following advanced skills to get the most out of their people:
1. Listens
An effective manager always listens to his people. He hears what is being ... Views:1103
Are you ready for explosive growth? Do you want to double or triple your business? If you do, you aren't going to get there by playing in your comfort zone! You need to get out of your comfort zone by creating some more problems for yourself. Sound crazy? Try this exercise. Get out your business ... Views:972
Every person has a path of development. It helps to know where we are now on our path, and what we have yet to achieve. Do you know what personal development level you are at? Use the following 7 Levels of Personal Development to gauge where you are.
Level 1 - The Restoration Level
At this ... Views:2650
Yes, it is possible to become financially independent! Here are 6 steps you can follow that will help you reach your goal of becoming financially independent:
Step 1 - Educate yourself
Educate yourself on personal finances by picking up a good financial book, or find yourself a good ... Views:1486
Are you tired of cold calling? What would it mean to your overall sales if you were getting in front of highly qualified, favorably introduced clients on a regular basis? If you are ready to increase your effectiveness as a sales person, use the following 5 Step Prospecting method to increase ... Views:951
As a coach, goal setting is one of the powerful tools that I use with clients to help them get to where they want to go. It all seems pretty simple, doesn't it? I mean, you figure out what you want, set your goal, put a deadline to it, and then take action. As you take action, you generate ... Views:1154