Qigong Distant Energy Healing sessions can help heal your addictions along with any other physical, mental, or emotional problems you have. The energy works on all levels simultaneously.
The monthly healing program has helped many people with all kinds of addictions, smoking, alcohol, drugs, ... Views:7026
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***Path Of The Healer- byMichael Mohoric, the Official Guide to Energy Healing and Energy Medicine
People often become healers because of their own trauma and suffering. There are many stories about people who had their lives upended because of some injury, illness, or trauma and after healing their condition changed their lives to try and help others overcome their problems.
In my own ... Views:13889
Chakras are subtle energy centers in the spine. They govern every aspect of life. The chakras have been written about in many ancient writings from different cultures especially yoga philosophy. Traditionally most texts recognize 7 major chakras and some systems show other minor chakras. ... Views:26617
Distant energy healing, also known as remote healing and absent healing has been practiced by healers in the Far East for centuries. In recent modern times many modalities of distant healing are being recognized and practiced in the West. More and more people are turning to alternative healing ... Views:31433