On February 14, 2008, nearly six months ago to the day, seven of us were given one year to live. Now before you get concerned, I would like to be clear, this was not a medical diagnosis, nor was it anything like a suicide pact among friends. It was instead a commitment among us to take the next ... Views:1222
So are you concerned about the environment, global warming and the depletion of our natural resources? Do you get up in arms when you hear about an animal species going extinct or the destruction of another rainforest? If you were in charge would you ... Views:993
Top Ten List
When I started Insight Out, I was instinctively drawn to helping people create a better work-life balance. I knew I wanted to support the growing number of burned-out business people, especially women, in helping them release the ever-mounting pressure they were under. I wanted ... Views:1092
The Power of Intention
In October 2008 I sat coughing in the San Francisco Airport waiting for a friend to pick me up and deliver me home. I had gotten a cold back East where I was speaking at a conference and was now feeling miserable. But truth be told, it wasn't just the sniffely sneezies ... Views:1152
Too many of us live such busy and stressful lives nowadays. So much so that stress continues to climb as one of the primary causes of many of our most serious health concerns. Our lives quite literally resemble a Three Ring Circus, complete with Get the Kids to School and Yourself to Work on ... Views:1224
Encouraging being unhappy may seem like an unlikely offering coming from someone who purports to help people live more fulfilling, joyous lives but stick with me here for a few moments and I'll show you how being unhappy could provide your key to contentment. Many people, including myself, ... Views:1342