Steps to Self Love
This may seem a strange topic in a world full of self entitlement but often those who need more are those who have a bigger hole to fill. Our notion of self love is full of misconceptions a woman taking care of self may be called vain or worst yet selfish and a man ... Views:1796
Most of us are walking asleep. We are barely able to keep up with what is in front of us let alone have an awareness of what is happening to us or around us. But have it is that awareness we have to cultivate if we are to become everyday guru’s.
We have start waking up.
How do we do this? We ... Views:1598
We are all every day Guru’s because every day we ALL learn a little bit more about ourselves and the world we live in. There are no experts and I would challenge anyone to stand up and say they “know it all”. What we know is what is contained in our world and at any moment our reality could be ... Views:1664
I wish I was Wayne Dyer all Zen about letting children find their own way. Then maybe I would be able to resist sending my neighbours children to bootcamp while they were not looking.
I wish I was Oprah able to talk about my bowel moments without fear of being asked for my senior’s card.
I ... Views:1806
1. Not everyone is going to like you…..get over it
2. Stuff is going to happen….deal with it
3. Faith is not what you hold onto but what you are prepared to let go off
4. Ignorance is thinking you know, arrogance is believing you know and enlightenment is admitting you don’t know
5. Man who ... Views:1834
So you want to be a psychic, you have watched every episode of the Medium and are sure you can do what she does because really how hard can it be? And its true for some of you the gift of insight will flow effortlessly, words will spill like a fountain of knowledge from your mouth. But do you ... Views:1727
So you want to be a psychic, you have watched every episode of the Medium and are sure you can do what she does because really how hard can it be? And its true for some of you the gift of insight will flow effortlessly, words will spill like a fountain of knowledge from your mouth. But do you ... Views:1754
I wish everyone would write down their top life tips then we could pass it on for every generation to add to. I am no guru but like everyone else there are certain things I have discovered about myself and this world we live in. Here is my top 30 list.
1. Mother’s aren’t always right
2. But ... Views:1720
Someone wrote to me asking ‘how do you stay strong, hold onto faith and hear your inner voice when life presents you with challenges?’ It is a question many people struggle with myself included, when ’stuff’ happens it is difficult to hang onto the belief this too shall pass and everything will ... Views:1636
So many people struggle with life challenges because they do not know how to be their own best friend. We are all good at being there for others with encouraging words of support and love but rarely are we capable of extending these things to ourselves. In fact we are often our own worst enemy, ... Views:1851
The other day someone said to me "there will come a time when us ‘special’ people the light workers of the world will be called on to show others the way." I sat and stared completely caught off guard as far as I could tell I didn't possess any magical powers the rest of the human race had ... Views:1364
Stuff happens it happens to all people immunity is not granted because of a course you have done or a book you have written or read or the thoughts you possess. Stuff happens. It happens to the Pope it happens to the garbage man it happens to the couple down the road who have everything. Stuff ... Views:1406
I know God will not give me anything I cannot handle I just wish he didn’t trust me so much
~ Mother Teresa ~
Life has become a fast food meal to be scoffed down and digested on the run. We dont have the luxury of sitting down and enjoying the banquet of beauty Mother Earth lays ... Views:1795
There is a misconception small deeds are not as magnificant as those part the water ones. Find a cure and you are nominated for a noble prize find a dollar and give it to a homeless person to buy a meal and the moment will pass unnoticed. Understand right now your every word,thought and deed ... Views:1073
I know God will not give me anything I cannot handle I just wish he didn’t trust me so much
~ Mother Teresa ~
Life has become a fast food meal to be scoffed down and digested on the run. We don’t have the luxury of sitting down and enjoying the banquet of beauty Mother Earth lays before ... Views:1444
Scientist’s recreated the big bang in an attempt to find the God particle haven’t heard how that went but given I wasn’t sucked into any black holes I would assume all is okay. I am sure Creator is upstairs thinking he/she has tuned into the Universe’s version of extreme makeover. Lets tear her ... Views:1357
I could stand on my pedastal and state I never have thoughts of envy, greed or jealousy but I would be lying. So sue me if my humanity is showing! I am comfortable with who I am my words and actions align with my intent of compassion and loving kindness most of the time occasionally my inner ... Views:1160
To touch the stars I must feel the Earth beneath my feet
Everyone is intuitive doesn't matter who you are we are all born with a varying degree of intuitiveness. Often we hear of a wife saying how she knew when her husband was in danger and though it was only a feeling it turned out to be ... Views:1211
Scientist’s recreated the big bang in an attempt to find the God particle haven’t heard how that went but given I wasn’t sucked into any black holes I would assume all is okay. I am sure Creator is upstairs thinking he/she has tuned into the Universe’s version of extreme makeover. Lets tear her ... Views:1477
In the perfect family what you see on the surface rarely reflects what lurks underneath. There is usually a pink elephant sitting in the living room everyone sees but steps around as if oblivious to it’s presence. Cut and paste smiles come forth for outsiders and the children grow up to be mini ... Views:2058
My profession is one where stereotypes abound and lately I have found myself defending what I do in all sorts of forums. So I am about to shatter the myths I am taking a risk I know because some people are not going to want to get a reading from someone who is not going to throw one line ... Views:989
Step one: Acceptance of present circumstances and reality
You cannot change what you do not acknowledge the pink elephant in the living room that everyone seems to want to ignore is going to squish you sooner or later. Standing in your truth is not about judgment or shame or guilt it is about ... Views:945
In life we are always taught to aim for perfection but what is perfection but another’s perception of how they would like things to be in the world. We allow others to be the judge when it comes to our lives reaching for the impossible goal that will give us the recognition we crave from our ... Views:1071
I am a divine child of the universe who walks through life with trust compassion faith and love
These are the cornerstones of the world I am building for myself
I am responsible for my words, thoughts and actions
I am not responsible for yours
I am deserving of abundance in all of it's forms ... Views:994
Moving house is a stressful business but that aside it also brings with it important life lessons. We are forced to look through the things of past and ask “Do I really need this?”. We have garage sales getting rid of clutter we question what to bring into our new home and what to leave ... Views:1295
I am waiting for a new show to appear titled Are you smarter than a Buddha?
Or Are you smarter than an enlightened Master?
There seems to be an enormous amount of debate going on at the moment in regards to what makes someone Spiritual or Enlightened.
I can imagine turning the page of a ... Views:933
It seems cliché to say the most important question you will ever ask yourself is “Who am I ?” It is the question that has led to a thousand self help books yet do we ever have the courage to sit naked in the truth of our identity?
Often it is easier to create an illusion of who ... Views:1101
It seems cliché to say the most important question you will ever ask yourself is “Who am I ?” It is the question that has led to a thousand self help books yet do we ever have the courage to sit naked in the truth of our identity?
Often it is easier to create an illusion of who we are based ... Views:1121
You were born a divine child of the Universe that has never changed no matter what the years have brought your way
You have held the world and all it’s abundance in your hands from the day you were born
But somewhere along the way you may have let go of your dreams
You were born to ... Views:1080
Most people can survive natural disasters medical conditions life events but for some of us we would rather cling to the Titanic and go down than spend Sunday lunch having our buttons pushed by our Mother. We would rather run with the bulls than confront our siblings over behaviors that annoy ... Views:1175
Put your hand over your heart feel it beat feel it pulsate life throughout your body and know with absolute certainty there was a reason Higher Power placed you on this Earth.
There are so many women feeling isolated cut off struggling without support without hope for a brighter future without ... Views:1167
Mirror of self reflection
Age creeps up on us all slowly stripping away our youth then one day we look into the mirror and the body does not seem to match the sparkle in the eyes anymore. Then we begin to look over our shoulder at our past and think I wonder what would have happened or what ... Views:1997
"To touch the stars I must feel the Earth beneath my feet"
Everyone is intuitive does not matter who you are we are all born with a varying degree of intuitiveness. Often we hear of a wife saying how she knew when her husband was in danger and though it was only a feeling it turned out to be ... Views:5526