There is a movement spreading across the globe called “Meatless Monday” and more and more people are becoming increasingly aware of the environmental impact their food choices are making.
It seems the program first originated during the First World War when Americans were encouraged by the ... Views:1191
Flax seed oil is the richest source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a member of the omega -3 essential fatty acid family. Because our body is unable to manufacture essential fatty acids (EFAs), they must be consumed through our diet. Here are just a few of the health benefits of omega -3 ... Views:1275
Last Christmas, we once again had the pleasure of seeing friends and family and enjoying a different kind of holiday celebration by visiting a Chinese buffet. This is our second year of doing something a little different from the usual holiday feast, and everyone agrees, it is a great way to ... Views:1335
Vitamin D is essential for the proper formation of the skeleton. It is vital for bone growth and renewal as it helps our bodies absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D is also required for nerve and muscle activity and can help combat chronic inflammation. Research is also ... Views:1162
Are you beginning to notice the disappearance of many natural health products from the shelves of your local health food store? Even the health food sections of the larger grocery stores and big box stores are shrinking. And it looks as though this decline in natural health products will ... Views:1176
Derived from the Greek words chloros meaning ‘green’, and phyllon meaning ‘leaf’, chlorophyll is responsible for the green pigmentation found in almost all plants, algae, and cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). It’s the substance that gives plants their green colour. Chlorophyll is vital for ... Views:1917
According to “Fast food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly…typically the term refers to food sold in a restaurant or store with preheated or precooked ingredients, and served to the customer in a packaged form for take-out/take-away.”
Fast ... Views:2135
This August my husband Wayne and myself will have been Members of The AIM Companies™ for twenty-four years. No small feat in this day and age with the multitude of products, services and network marketing companies in the marketplace. When we first joined up with AIM, they had only one ... Views:1170
“Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.” Albert Einstein couldn’t have said this any better. The only problem…we’re not listening to his advice.
This probably isn’t a good time of the year to ... Views:1220
If you are interested in promoting your AIM business, but find it a little overwhelming or intimidating with all the products AIM has to offer, then this article is for you. Rather than talk about the benefits of BarleyLIfe in this article, we wanted to share with you how to effectively promote ... Views:2155
Do you know disease can only survive in an acidic environment? Do you also know our body struggles to maintain a steady pH (acid-alkaline) balance of our body fluids?
Every second, minute, and hour of each and every day there is a struggle going on inside each and every one of us to keep ... Views:1130
Why do we worry and stress ourselves out so much? Well, in a nutshell we live in stressful times. The economy is stagnant, house prices are declining, the price of food, clothing, utilities, and fuel are rising quicker than a loaf of bread, and there’s the constant threat of losing one’s job ... Views:1136
With the arrival of spring, it’s so nice to be able to open up the windows again and let the warm fresh air fill our home. How rejuvenating it is to begin spring-cleaning both inside and outside of our home and once again experience the many joys springtime has to offer. There are also many ... Views:1326
We’ve all heard the phrase “you are what you eat”. It’s a popular phrase in that it does hold some truth to it. The foods we eat contain a wide variety of essential and nonessential nutrients, as well as other substances that can affect our body functions.
There are six classes of ... Views:1186
With yet another election campaign in full swing, our political leaders are once again making promise after promise of what they will do for Canadians, how much money they will save, and how much money they will spend. I know, promises, promises…we’ve heard this all before. What’s caught my ... Views:1222
February is Heart Month, so you’re probably hearing a great deal about what to do to keep your heart healthy. Eat this and not that, exercise more, get more sleep and reduce your stress level. This amazing organ works hard to keep us alive, so let’s take a brief look at what the heart and the ... Views:1281
The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of the effects of carbohydrates on blood sugar levels. In the early 1980s, Dr. David Jenkins (professor of nutrition at the University of Toronto) and his colleagues developed the glycemic index (GI) in their research to determine which foods were best ... Views:1239
Now that the holiday season is over, many people may be noticing their clothes have gotten a little tighter around the waist and perhaps gained a few extra pounds from over-indulging. Some will have made New Year’s resolutions to lose weight and some will have made the resolution to get more ... Views:1256
For thousands of years now, hearty whole grains have been the basis of the human diet. As a matter of fact, one of the definitions of the word “meal” is: “coarsely ground foodstuff; especially seeds of various cereal grasses or pulse” Put another way, ground grain.
Whole grains are an ... Views:1237
Garlic is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world. Affectionately called "the stinking rose" garlic dates back over 5000 years, is native to central Asia, and has long been a staple in the Mediterranean region. Worshipped by the ancient Egyptians and consumed by Roman soldiers going ... Views:1336
Berries are delicious and nutritious. They’re loaded with vitamins, minerals, fibre, phytonutrients, and antioxidants, which provide numerous health benefits. Considering their size, berries pack an enormous portion of nutrients, and including them in your diet will help to keep you ... Views:1614
Sports and power drinks become increasingly popular during this time of year with more and more people spending time outdoors. Whether we are working in our yards and gardens, exercising, participating in sporting events, or working in the heat, there comes a time when we feel hot, tired and ... Views:1336
They may not refer to it as “super-sizing” anymore but the sizes of meals in the fast food chains are still pretty hefty. And in this day and age of economic slow-down, it’s easy to want more for your money. For a few extra cents, you can double the serving size of your French fries and soda ... Views:1446
The adult human skeletal system is typically made up of 206 bones, whereas a newborn baby has more than 300 bones in their body. Some of the bones in a baby are made of regular bone and some are made of cartilage, which is soft and flexible. As we develop and grow, the cartilage also grows and ... Views:1373
When you go to the grocery store and look in your shopping cart, is it full of fresh colorful healthy foods or is it packed full of pre-packaged dead food loaded down with salt, sugar and preservatives? It is a good question to ask yourself and one that is worthwhile having a closer look ... Views:1343
Did you know beets are a natural cleanser helping to remove toxins from the body and nourish the bloodstream? Not only do beets cleanse the liver and purify the blood, they also aid in digestion and stimulate lymphatic activity. Beets contain powerful nutrients that can help protect against ... Views:1908
Autumn typically means harvest time in Canada, making it wonderful to see the markets overflowing with colorful vegetables and plenty of fresh apples. One of nature’s finest foods, the apple comes in a variety of colors and flavours sure to please any palate. From McIntosh to Red Delicious, ... Views:1338
December 21st marks the winter solstice, which also happens to be one of my favourite days of the year. Although winter solstice is the shortest day and longest night of the year, it’s one of my favourite days because the daylight hours will start to increase making the days a little longer and ... Views:1603
The holiday season is upon us and along with it comes season’s greetings, good wishes and the ever-present holiday cheer consisting of plenty of food and drink. It’s hard not to indulge ourselves in all the snacks, large meals and rich desserts we’re continually offered during this festive ... Views:1293
With all the hype in the media about the H1N1 flu (or swine flu as it is commonly known) people are lining up in droves to get vaccinated. Although there are people at risk of contracting the virus who have compromised immune systems, I feel (and this is my personal opinion and not meant to ... Views:1312
Experts say the average North American consumes less than half of the recommended 25 to 40 grams of fibre we need daily to help prevent a host of health problems. Not only that, many people are not having any more than one bowel movement a day, and for some the bowel transit time is anywhere ... Views:1319
Back in the 1980s health professionals were recommending low-fat diets for optimal health. Fat in our diet was considered the culprit in obesity, heart disease, and high cholesterol. In the last twenty-five plus years though, our knowledge about fat has changed. The reality now is, this ... Views:1211
With summer rapidly approaching it’s the perfect time to purchase and consume fresh local fruits and vegetables. (What better way to supply the body with much needed enzymes).
The latest North American food guidelines recommend adults consume between 5 to 10 servings of fruit and vegetables ... Views:1272
With the hot, lazy days of summer fast approaching, many of us will be barbequing, picnicking and taking advantage of all the fresh foods available during the summertime.
Something we need to keep in mind is to make sure we are taking the necessary precautions to ensure we are not consuming ... Views:1636
The average person can live about a month without eating any food, but can only live a few days without water.
As essential as water is to sustain life, water also has extraordinary healing properties. Coupled with minerals found in natural hot springs and mineral baths, water has been used ... Views:1446
It’s Easter time! What better way to celebrate than to spend time with family and friends, give thanks for what Easter really means, and eat some chocolate.
Chocolate is one of the world’s most favourite foods and recent research is showing that eating moderate amounts of dark chocolate can ... Views:1434
Our bones. They keep us upright, they keep us tall. They help us walk, and they keep us strong. Without them, we’d be a blob and flop around like jelly. They give us shape and support, and help to protect our heart, lungs, brain and other organs. They team up with our muscles, and if we ... Views:1189
Every time I hear the news it seems that one thing or another has been found to be either good or bad for us. One week the “experts” are telling us to cut back on or eliminate a particular food or drink as it can cause disease or health conditions (at least it did in lab animals), and the next ... Views:1391
Every day we are hearing about job loses, business closings, downsizings, bankruptcies and foreclosers. Not to mention the increasing costs of just about everything it takes to survive these days. Rising gas prices, utility costs, food and shelter just to name a few. I like to point out that ... Views:1724
During these tougher economic times, many of us are faced with decisions of what, and how, we need to cut back on in order to help pay for the rising costs of necessities such as food, clothing and shelter.
Talk shows such as Oprah, Dr. Phil and a host of others, are frequently discussing ... Views:1348
It is well known that carrots are a healthy food. We enjoy them in a variety of ways. They are often cut up and boiled or steamed, and are usually used in soups and stews. They also make a terrific snack for dipping. Their sweet taste and crunchy texture are a favourite among children and ... Views:1824
As I sat down to write this article, that famous song by Engelbert Humperdinck kept running through my head (hence the name of the title). How appropriate, I thought, as this is exactly what needs to happen when we get a build up of toxins in our bodies.
Nowadays, we live in a society with ... Views:1429
When we think of the word “fermentation” the first thing that usually pops into mind are images of beer and wine. However, fermented nutrients are also important for good health.
Fermentation has been an important part of food preparation for centuries and numerous medical and scientific ... Views:2660
Network Marketing has helped people of all genders, professions, experience, financial status and education achieve financial independence and build a lucrative business.
As a means of product distribution, network marketing has been around for a very long time. The late 1800’s saw many new ... Views:2363
When we think of the word balance, images that come to mind may be of a gymnast on a balance beam, a set of weighing scales or someone falling because they “lost their balance”.
Balance, to me, is essential to our health and well-being. When we have balance in our lives, we hold the key ... Views:1268
“Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food”…Hippocrates
According to Canada’s Food Guide To Healthy Eating ... Views:1272
As February is heart month I thought it fitting to write about things that are good for your heart, and beans is one of them.
As a child, I remember all the teasing that went on with the cute little jingle “Beans, beans the musical fruit…. the more you eat, the more you…” (You can probably ... Views:1688
With a brand new start to another year (and all the doom and gloom in the news lately) we may want to pay a little more attention to our physical and emotional well-being. One condition that can make us feel sick and/or tired and can also trigger anxiety and depression is a condition called ... Views:1644