Can addicts cure themselves? Absolutely not! If we believe that we are a part of God and He made us in His image, than how can we step outside of this belief and be healed by some other source. Only those people who really do not have faith and trust in God would take such a stance.
I was on ... Views:1747
The principles in this article can be used for the cheating spouse as well as for the loved one of an unfaithful spouse. People cheat because they lack the spiritual Christ in their life. Unfaithfulness has to do with still living for self instead of for our Creator. Put these principles to ... Views:2033
What I am about to tell you is NOT a new concept, although you will not get this kind of advice very often when dealing with a cheating spouse because most people don’t think adultery is fixable. But I am here to tell you that you can heal from the affects of adultery and be a better spouse for ... Views:3627
How Husbands Disrespect Their Wives
Husbands who stare at, or flirt with other women may not think they are being disrespectful, but it is very hurtful to their wives. The bible talks about this in detail about how a man is to love his wife. “Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loves the ... Views:7988
How will you know if you are really in love or if it is just infatuation? Love is an action and infatuation is a feeling. Love, unlike infatuation and lust take commitment and devotion to a person. This is because when we truly love someone it takes self-sacrificing behaviors and attitude. ... Views:3334
Most spouses and loved ones of addicts, that have not helped themselves, do feel resentment and anger. They feel resentful for taking care of the alcoholic. They feel resentful for taking the brunt of the abusive behaviors that come with addiction. They feel resentful because they are spending ... Views:7858
When we look at both of these styles of “getting to know people” and “having friendships” at face value, it appears they are the same. But Godly courtship is far superior to dating because it is scripturally sound and does not hurt people.
Dating is a worldly, cultural way to meet people for ... Views:5384
Most young women “give in” to their boyfriend’s sexual advances because of peer pressure and fear they will leave the relationship if they don’t give in and have sex. This is precisely why young people today should NOT ALLOW their emotions to lead the relationship. Let me ask you this. If you ... Views:4862
God created us with the desire for sex, and we ought to understand his design that was meant for us in our relationships with others about sex. Christians absolutely need to seek God’s purpose in this area of their lives. God created us male and female and because of that we will be attracted to ... Views:2807
As Christian parents what is our duty to our children? How can we prepare our children for a lifelong marriage? Did you know that 95% of children grow up and get married and have families but no one ever teaches them a thing about how to value and cherish marriage and family! They manage their ... Views:1562
Many of the nineteenth Century period books and masterpiece theatre movie classics give Christian people valuable moral lessons in how to conduct relationships with the opposite sex. They show many examples of what happens when we give our heart to another without any real commitment and also ... Views:2297
A few days ago a Christian woman told me that she was tricked into marrying her husband. He portrayed himself as a Christian to her during the dating period. Do you know why this happens? It happens because she did not really get to know him on the inside. He talked a good talk and impressed her ... Views:1278
What is more important? Should a Christian woman go to college to become a career woman or should she learn all she can about how to be a good helpmeet to her husband and stay happily married for life? I see much confusion and conditioning in the mainstream Christian culture of today. When ... Views:2654
Many of you reading this may not know that God designed marriage to work according to the way he created the man and the woman. Each gender has its own marital duties that when practiced appropriately make the marriage thrive. “The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and ... Views:4829
Sex between two married people is a very beautiful aspect of marriage. God has blessed us with the ability to give and receive physical pleasure with the one we are married to. But when we give ourselves to another before marriage, sex becomes something else altogether.
1) Lust and ... Views:17774
Many of you reading this may have already made the mistake of having romantic attachments and a faulty attitude when it comes to dating. But rest assured all of this can be changed with the right attitude and biblical steps that put you on the right foundation. Whatever your circumstances were ... Views:2024
Christian marriages are to be different than the unbeliever’s marriage because a follower of Christ becomes sanctified (set apart) through the word for God’s purpose. (John 17:17) When a Christian obediently follows the principles of Christ it has a purifying affect on the heart and mind. Are ... Views:3127
Is your spouse cheating? Sadly and amazingly enough this sort of behavior is going on in Christian marriages too! What can people do when they realize that their spouse has been unfaithful? First of all understand that this problem is not about “how you feel”. Your feelings are ok to have but ... Views:1662
As Christians we are not only accountable to our spouse but to God first and foremost. Christ should be the driving force in the Christ follower’s life. If this one important facet is written upon a woman’s heart, mind and soul, she will not have a problem adhering to her obligations as a ... Views:2909
I’ve had some Christian people tell me they think they married the wrong person? More times than I can keep count. If you think you married the wrong person then who would be the right person? If we dwell on feelings that are negative about our spouse, our mind will play tricks on us. It will ... Views:2429
To help the alcoholic you love you first must help yourself. You will never be able to help the alcoholic until you help yourself. Alcohol addiction tends to involve everyone the alcoholic is in contact with on some kind of level. Those who are in the path of the alcoholic, usually a spouse, ... Views:3449
Did you know that God commands that believers marry in the Lord? If a believer marries a non-believer the marriage could possibly weaken the Christian commitment of the believer. Even so, some Christians marry unbelievers because love has blinded them.
Some Christians believe they can change ... Views:2597
How can couples meet each other’s emotional needs better? How can couples prevent emotional infidelities from happening in their marriage? When two people become bonded through marriage they depend on one another for their emotional needs getting met. But what happens later on down the road? ... Views:4916
So what’s the problem with Christian marriage today? The problem is men and women have not been taught in their church to partake in their God-given roles and duties in the ways of the Lord and consequently complete chaos and confusion has ensued. Society has turned marriage and love upside ... Views:2294
Stop everything you’re doing and write down these principled ways for reconnecting and restoring the broken bonds with your spouse. Apply each of these principles every day until you have completed them all. Don’t worry about what your spouse will say or do, just do these steps for yourself and ... Views:1782
Do you know what roles and duties God has assigned you in your marriage? Why do you think God gave certain roles to the wife and certain roles to the husband? God created for husband and wife to share in the same goals but have different roles. Together they compliment one another and work ... Views:4579
Anger is a deep-seated emotion that can remain bottled up within a person for years, and maybe forever. Loving someone who has anger problems is often difficult to do. Living with an angry person is like an emotional roller coaster ride because you never know when they might explode. Does it ... Views:2327
Is the sun really bad for you? In a nutshell, if you abuse it, it is bad for you, but what isn’t bad for you when you abuse it? The truth is in moderation the sun “on your skin” is VERY good for your health. Even fair skinned individuals can bask in the sun in moderate doses. There is too much ... Views:2029
There are many things that couples can do to save their marriage. Although circumstances for each marriage are different, what I’m going to discuss in this article applies to every marriage.
1. Be Willing To Work on Your Marriage
Couples need to be willing to pick up the pieces and work ... Views:1469
Your body can heal itself from sickness and disease if you give it a chance to do so. Most disease is caused from how we live our life. Eating the wrong foods, ingesting too many medications and drugs, drinking too much alcohol, living sedentary lives, breathing in bad air from the workplace, ... Views:1584
This article is written for Christian marriages. God established marriage and God designed marriage and marriage was created for God’s purpose. We ought to manage our marriage His way, don’t you think?
A Christian Marriage Must Have God at the Forefront!
If you want to have a happy ... Views:1913
How can we stop being abusive with our spouse and be assertive instead? It’s easy once we learn a few simple communication techniques. When we are frustrated, disappointed, stressed, or angry what happens? We use our emotions in negative ways with our spouse. This causes a chain reaction and ... Views:5464
There is so much said about good fats and bad fats. They talk about saturated fat, unsaturated fat, monosaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, and trans fat, and how all of these fats affect cholesterol levels in our body. Doesn’t it get overwhelming? Let me make it simple for you.
Any oil that ... Views:1068
I’m going to tell you about a healing and refining gel that reduces the appearance of skin dimples and varicose veins? Skin dimples are fat cells under the skin. Cellulite multiplies and worsens when we eat a poor diet and don’t exercise. Even skinny people with high energy levels can have skin ... Views:1839
It is a fact that were not getting any younger even though I believe we can look younger than our age. It is a fact that what we put into our body speeds up or slows down the aging process. It is also a fact that the lack of exercise puts on the weight and makes us feel blah. Our lifestyle has a ... Views:1352
Is red wine really good for you? Red wine is made from red grapes. Red grapes are powerful nutritional boosters and are loaded with antioxidants that slow down the aging process when eaten with other antioxidant type foods and on a consistent basis. But is wine created from grapes good for you. ... Views:1418
Do you often feel smothered in your marriage? Do you feel that your spouse is always watching what you are doing? Does your spouse nag, complain and demand things of you and it’s getting out of hand? Then this article is for you. It is not usually just one issue that leads up to divorce, ... Views:3827
Is Chocolate really good for you? I think this is one of the biggest health food hoaxes out there. First of all we shouldn’t confuse chocolate with cocoa. Pure cocoa is what’s good for you, not chocolate. Chocolate is a sweet, tasty concoction that is made from the cocoa bean.
The amount of ... Views:1258
Pornography addiction is playing with fire. If your marriage means anything to you at all then you are playing with fire every time you think about or view porn. Even if you are single it will transform your personality into something that was not meant for you to be. It is not beneficial for ... Views:1562
Does the ‘It Works’ Beauty products really work? Because the ‘It Works’ beauty products are made from only natural ingredients, asking if they really work is like asking if eating a healthy diet really works? Anytime we take care of our body and mind with natural foods and herbs we’re ultimately ... Views:9318
Fat that is stored inside the body shows up on the outside in the form of cellulite. Fat can be eliminated forever through the eating of natural, wholesome foods, body toning, and detoxification. But you already knew that, right? Losing fat and the appearance of cellulite is something that ... Views:3078
When we detoxify our body through cleansing, fasting, green drinks, juicing and herbs we are ultimately getting rid of toxic agents and impurities in our body that cause sickness and disease. Toxins drain through the channels of the lymphatic system and into the kidneys, liver, and the colon ... Views:1089
A healthy marriage is made up of compassion, submission, respect and forgiveness. Did you notice that I didn’t even use the word “love”? That’s because all of the above constitutes love. When you demonstrate these character traits with others you are essentially turning these words into loving ... Views:4905
Resentment is a very powerful emotion. In fact, anyone who harbors this terrible emotion shouldn’t be trying to make rational decisions for themselves or their marriage. I would even venture to say that most divorces are because of unmet and unfulfilled emotions, which is what this emotion is!! ... Views:8432
If you knew there was a shark swimming next to you in the ocean, what would you do? Most people will hightail it out of the water as fast as they can back to the shore. As a matter of fact no one in their right mind is going to let a shark devour them alive! On the same token we can let food be ... Views:2718
It’s hard to pass up treats made with sugar sometimes, but I know that I have to, or I will get “sugar overload syndrome”. Eating too many sugary laden products made with refined flour literally make me sick, emotionally and well as physically. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) is a symptom of ... Views:1738
I use the word “improper” because I hate using the word “bad”. Bad sounds evil or terrible, and some habits just aren’t that bad; they might be annoying but they are not bad. What improper habits do you have? We all have improper habits that we exhibit occasionally, ... Views:2862
I know that you can jump the hurdle of addiction and live a content filled peaceful life because I did, and I am. In my marriage and life I went through a lot of terrible emotions and marital issues during my bout with alcohol addiction. I have been sober for fourteen-years now, and I have never ... Views:1208
Some of us will never learn how to communicate our thoughts and feelings properly. Instead we go on a rampage and say things we mostly don’t mean to say, but say them anyway because we’re angry, tired, confused, frightened, stressed, resentful, or? We are literally allowing our ... Views:4961
Loving an alcoholic is not about taking care of them, but about taking care of you. You have a responsibility to protect yourself from any of the alcoholic’s negative and destructive behavior. Setting boundaries for you is how to become healthy, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You may ... Views:8257