Do you have a big problem to solve?
Good. First thing, forget about it.
There are certain questions which have no answers. Yet these questions are vital and alive. They grab and plague us daily. We meet a new person and the question pops up. We make a life-changing decision and the question ... Views:3248
Here we are at the Fourth of July, a time to celebrate freedom and independence. A time to acknowledge the birth of a nation, of stepping out of old ways and constrictions and living differently. In all of our lives the struggle goes on to gain independence and freedom from whatever we feel is ... Views:3428
Here we are at the Fourth of July, a time to celebrate freedom and independence. A time to acknowledge the birth of a nation, of stepping out of old ways and constrictions and living differently. In all of our lives the struggle goes on to gain independence and freedom from whatever we feel is ... Views:3969
So many of us are searching for truth, the best way to live life. Naturally, there are endless pathways, lectures, discussions and directions available. Some go from one path to the next, seeing which one might fit them the best.
It's common to spend a great deal of time, in some cases a ... Views:3634
So many of us are searching for truth, the best way to live life. Naturally, there are endless pathways, lectures, discussions and directions available. Some go from one path to the next, seeing which one might fit them the best.
It's common to spend a great deal of time, in some cases a ... Views:4121
Summer arrives, a time for travel, enjoyment, being with friends and family. A time for romance and love. Of course we all want friends, companions, company, love. We need to feel close and connected.
We can enjoy a friendship for many years, but then often, we drift apart or the friendship ... Views:4906
Dr. Brenda Shoshanna
“Each miracle is a gentle winning over from the appeal of guilt to the appeal of love.”
Here we are in the beginning of spring, when all is blooming and the heart, too, reaches for love. And yet, this is a painful time of year for many. There is ... Views:5128
We all hold on to that which we love, or that which we feel makes us secure. There is an innate fear of loss and change. It could even be said that our entire lives consist of a struggle to hold everything together.
We want things to be stable, remain exactly as they were.
When change comes ... Views:4742
Who are we? Where do we belong? When we step into Zen meditation and practice, a brand new answer appears. Here is an excerpt from Just Grab The Dust Rag, (Confession of A Deluded Zen Student Who Never Learned A Thing).
Before long I’d become a regular in the early morning sittings at the ... Views:4709
Mindfulness is the practice of having a calm awareness of one's feelings, thoughts and experiences in the present moment, without judging them, or yourself, as good or bad. It means living in the moment and awakening to new experiences. It is part of the Zen mind, and It is one pathway to living ... Views:5088
"In my mind are thoughts that can hurt or help me. I am
constantly choosing the contents of my mind."
--Dr. Gerald Jampolsky
There are many ways of being addicted and many purposes an addiction serves. Addiction to anger ... Views:5276
After a relationship ends, women ask what went wrong, again and again. In this revealing article we see that often it has nothing to do with the woman. The article explores some patterns and needs that cause men to run from relationships. It also offers specific guidelines and advice to help. ... Views:7868
Fear is a great factor in relationships. It confuses our mind, undermines our confidence and prevents us from making choices that would be healthy for all concerned.
A great source of fear is rejection by others. Not aware that we have rejected ourselves, we become overly hungry for the ... Views:8122
What are these empty hands? Where can we find them? What ... When Dogen, a great Zen Master of old, returned to Japan after many years of studying Zen in China, the people asked what he brought with him to help others who were suffering, he said, “I’ve come with nothing but empty ... Views:9567
Today a powerful spiritual hunger is arising as many seek comfort, support and meaning in a world that has spun out of control. There are endless paths to take, yet most have little knowledge of the ways in which Jewish and Zen practice can provide guidance, joy, strength, balance, and how they ... Views:33778
If we look honestly at most of our lives, it is easy to see how truly difficult it is to stop ingrained behaviors and responses. It is so natural to be at the mercy of automatic, repetitive, responses. Most of our lives are lived racing from one activity to another, one relationship to the ... Views:6866
"Most women ultimately want their relationships to lead to marriage. They feel they need a man to make a commitment in order to feel secure. This need can scare men away, making them feel like an object, as if they’re being used for a woman's security. No man wants to feel as if he's being used. ... Views:8440
No matter what is happening around us, we do not have to react impulsively, but can learn to respond. Giving into automatic negative reactions can become addictive and it’s important to learn how to diffuse them. The steps offered here are simple, but powerful. The more we ...
No ... Views:8604
Everyone wants to be beautiful, young, healthy and fit. There is no end to the diets, workouts and health plans. Yet the most important diet of all has been overlooked. This is a diet that releases stress, relaxes muscles, offers sound sleep, diminishes appetite, and makes you look and feel ... Views:18094
There is one sure fire medicine which cures all pain and opens the way for your greater good. It allows you to sleep well at night, wake up refreshed and filled with enthusiasm for your daily tasks. This medicine is abundantly available, has no side effects and can be taken in large or small ... Views:6158
Anger has turned into an epidemic in our world today. It is crucial to take a step back and realize the enormity of the danger we are facing, not only from external expressions of anger, but from the anger we each carry within. The time has come to face the truth about anger, learn what it truly ... Views:15958
After a relationship ends, whether it’s a 20 year marriage or a promising romance, women ask themselves over and over, what went wrong? They ask themselves, their girlfriends and their therapists. Sometimes they even spend weeks and months...
... Views:31381
The family is the most common place for anger to erupt. It is also the place where the seeds of anger are sowed. When we live closely with others, when we are bonded to them, attached, dependent or vulnerable these individuals have the power to affect us deeply. In these relationships our ... Views:19692
Usually we enter relationships hoping they will make us happy. We hope that this one is the right one, that we are not repeating mistakes of the past, and that finally we will receive the love, support and companionship we have been seeking.
Although this approach to relationships is normal, ... Views:14052
Freedom means different things for different men. For some, the main joy of relationships is challenge. They happily pursue a woman as long as they don't have her, but once they do, they start feeling trapped. These men feel as if excitement and new possibilities are now cut off.
Once ... Views:27338
What Causes Post Traumatic Syndrome On
We all feel that the world is stable and secure, that sudden change and loss will not happen, at least not to those or us we know. When the world as we know it suddenly changes and the impossible happens, not only can we experience shock and trauma, but ... Views:14576
The greatest gift we can give one another in a relationship is our true selves – being who we are. For some this is not difficult, but for most it takes practice to take off the masks and become real. At first it can seem frightening to stop playing games, and just be. However, much of the ... Views:6901
Most of us live our lives hungry, hungry for love,
attention, praise, success. But no matter how much we take
in, it’s hard to be satisfied and feel full. We may get what
we need momentarily, but then before long we’re craving
more. It is easy to spend each day waiting for tomorrow when
we ... Views:4157
Learn How It’s Impossible To Fail At Love
Dr. Brenda Shoshanna
Usually relationships start out wonderfully. Everyone’s thrilled. They feel that finally they’ve found the “one”. Then as time passes, as problems come up and old patterns start re-appearing, they ... Views:9601
In the midst of our lives, hungry, thirsty and often weary,
there comes a moment when we stop and wonder, “Is this all
there is? Is there another way to live my life that will
bring the joy and contentment that eludes me?”
Caught in the patterns of our lives, each of us has an intuition of ... Views:5041
Even when they are in relationships, many wish to become closer to their partners and share quality time that is truly intimate. They want to feel free to express all of themselves. Although many try in all kinds of ways, it is helpful to learn some direct steps, which open emotional doors ... Views:28759
In the midst of our lives, hungry, thirsty and often weary,
there comes a moment when we stop and wonder, “Is this all
there is? Is there another way to live my life that will
bring the joy and contentment that eludes me?”
Caught in the patterns of our lives, each of us has an ... Views:5273
Rejection is one of the most painful experiences in relationships. As soon as a person feels their partner is rejecting them or finding fault, they quickly begin to reject their partner and reject themselves as well. In this case, their sense of self-worth is dependent on how their partner feels ... Views:10444
We come into life empty-handed and then expect to grab and hold onto everything. Immediately we make claim for ownership. "This is mine. It can't go away." Some enormous hunger begins to develop. What exactly are we hungering for? First it is only food and love that we are demanding. But soon ... Views:3514
When a great Zen Master returned to his country after many years of studying abroad the people asked what he brought with him. He said, “I’ve come with nothing but empty hands.”
What are these empty hands? What value are they of us today?
Usually our own hands are full, filled with tasks, ... Views:6519
The art of romance and the art of Zen are actually very similar. By romance we mean the feeling of love, happiness, joy and delight in just waking up in the morning. We mean being able to be excited about our day, our lives and the people we meet along the way. This is usually the way we feel ... Views:5899
We are meant to live a life of love. However, no matter how successful some are in other aspects of their lives, they wonder if it s possible to have the same success in love.
Although things may start out wonderfully in the beginning, there is always the fear that it won t last, that ... Views:5072
(Practical Zen Steps To Falling In Love)
Brenda Shoshanna, Ph.D.
“We never ask the meaning of life
When we are in love.”
Bhagwan Osho
We are meant to live a life of love. When we’re not in love, something’s the matter. However, no matter how successful some are ... Views:14697
(Practical Zen Steps To Falling In Love)
Brenda Shoshanna, Ph.D.
"We never ask the meaning of life
When we are in love."
Bhagwan Osho
We are meant to live a life of love. When we're not in love, something's the matter. However, no matter how successful some are in other ... Views:5021