“I found god in myself
 and I loved her /I loved her fiercely.”
- Ntozake Shange
We come into this world yearning to connect with the mother. Psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung conveyed that this innate need for mothering is archetypal, meaning that it reflects a universal symbolic ... Views:1077
Aphrodite’s story begins with a violent birth with absent parents and a castrated father. We can conjecture that her violent birth contributed to her cruelty and vindictiveness in which she used her beauty as a channel for her aggression. In her compulsive search to transcend the pain of her ... Views:1698
Over a year ago I was very disillusioned by my dealings with managed care. I was aware of the fact that I was receiving insurance reimbursement rates 60% lower than the standard fee for psychotherapy in NYC. As a result I was burning out having to work excessive hours to meet overhead expenses, ... Views:1086
Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.
- Kahlil Gibran
The intention of this article is to encourage the healing of the traumatized child. Carl Jung said: “ In every adult there lurks a child – an eternal child, something that is always becoming, is never ... Views:7897
Where there’s emptiness there’s hunger. Passionate hunger fuels a need for connection and completion. We are innately driven to fill emptiness in a self-transcendent way through whatever we can attach to that offers us the promise of fulfillment. In our desperation, the longing for wholeness, ... Views:2413
If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you,
Alchemy pertains to the process of transmuting base metals to silver or gold. The search for the ‘gold’ in each ... Views:3465
My experiences as a psychotherapist and spiritual counselor have made it evident to me that we all seek to discern a deeper meaning in our human existence by connecting with a higher spiritual sense of life, on personal and collective levels. There are universal questions and concerns that ... Views:3122
When you free-associate with the concept of creativity, what arises? Perhaps what you connect to involves turning ideas into reality and plumbing the depths of imagination. Perhaps you think of particular artistic mediums, or of ways of being that entail risk taking, and exploration. For some, ... Views:1915