Have you ever had one of those moments when you knew with total clarity the answer to a problem, the direction you needed to go or just a clear realization of who you are and how you fit in the Universe?
These are called Moments of Clarity, Epiphanies, or simply “AHA” moments.
They hit with ... Views:1565
Congratulations, if you are reading this article then you’ve already begun creating a most magnificent blueprint for your life and you’ve probably already done a lot of work. It’s time to learn a bit about affirmations. Most likely you’ve already done a fantastic job of creating ... Views:2202
How to turn “Easy Does it” into Do it
Why easy does it works; It’s the old adage haste makes waste.
Each day nature gives us a great example of easy does it as slowly, the sun rises every single day. Learn from this to go gradually, pace yourself
Agnes Repplier:
“It is ... Views:1550
One of the reasons you stop creative efforts is your feel you are not getting the praise you want from others.
Why not consider the praise and growth you get from the Universe?
Another reason you stop creating is you think your creation is not as good as others; so what? It’s yours.
Stop ... Views:1668
In order to build a strong framework for your blueprint for living, you’ll need to learn a thing or two about writing goals. Think of goals as the framework for your dream house or your dream life.
You’ve decided to make changes in your life. You’ve spent some time reading, ... Views:3626
Learn the Power of Eye Contact
What is eye contact?
Several popular definitions are:
1. Eye contact is one of the most important nonverbal channels you have for communicating and connecting with others.
2. Defined as a meeting of the eyes between two people expresses meaningful nonverbal ... Views:1880
Recently the State of Colorado made some rulings that will most likely do away with the FSBO Flat Fee entry only MLS listing services. Other states may follow suit.
This appears to be an attempt to return to the old rigid six percent MLS listing model, a more traditional approach, where the ... Views:1202
So, You Want to Sell by Owner?
What are the Three Benefits of selling by owner?
• Save commission - do not pay 6% commission and you save thousands of dollars.
• Save time - you may sell faster as a by owner.
• You Remain in control of the sale.
In the past it ... Views:1192
A real estate contract can be voided by one party missing just one deadline. The result is devastating for all parties. Many FSBOS wrongly believe once they and the buyer sign a contract it’s a done deal. No, No, and No.
The contract is closed when you have a cashier check in your hand from ... Views:3994
Is it important to have a flyer in your house when you’re selling?
Short answer Yes.
A tried and true fact; having attractive flyers with the right information works.
There are different types of flyers with different information. You need at least two flyers.
Flyers ... Views:2222
What is remodelling?
Remodeling is updating or altering the appearance and functional utility of a building.Home remodeling is big business. It accounts for about 40% of all residential construction spending and about 2% of the U.S. economy.
So to answer the question “Is it ... Views:1429
You may be considering listing with a Realtor or selling by owner, either way you should know what to look for when working with a Realtor.
What can you do to pick a Pro?
Most Realtors follow and adhere to the Realtors’ National Code of Ethics and their professional ... Views:1111
You want to sell by owner to save money and time and to remain in control of the sale; however, you can utilize people in related fields to help you. When you sell by owner, you need a team:
1. A lender
2. A Title Company
3. A Home Inspector
4. An Appraiser
5. Even Brokers
In the past ... Views:1344
You can sell by owner and take advantage of Multiple listing services as well.
That’s the best of both worlds.
When you’re ready to sell real estate, many people think you have to list with a broker and pay outrageous commissions. Not true.
You have options. Let me ... Views:1793
The Little Engine That Could
“The Little Engine That Could.” is one of those marvelous children’s stories that stays with you.
I’m 74 years old and still, to this today, when faced with difficulties, I often find myself remembering a picture of the little engine chugging down the ... Views:4164
Know the Power of Letting Go
Kahlil Gibran:
“If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don’t, they never were”
This famous love quote has implications for other facets of your life too.
When you let go of a problem, a goof, a project, a ... Views:2459
What people worry about
Worriers can find and create all sorts of things to worry about. People worry about:
The Economy
Their Health
Their Loved ones
Their Marriage
Making House Payments
Losing a Job
Gaining weight
The list goes on and on. Habitual worry creates diseases, ... Views:1287
Selling Self help Ebooks is big business.
It seems that millions of people, just like you and me, are seeking ways to improve their lot in life.
They are looking for ways to make life changes, to make their life work. They are hoping to feel better about ... Views:1398
What is eye contact?
Several popular definitions are:
1. Eye contact is one of the most important nonverbal channels you have for communicating and connecting with others.
2. Defined as a meeting of the eyes between two people expresses meaningful nonverbal communication.
3. Contact ... Views:3120
What is Affiliate Marketing? Basically it’s marketing a merchant’s product for a commission.
There are so many scams out there; how do you separate the wheat from the chafe?
7 Truths of Affiliate Marketing:
1. Low start up cost; but there are some costs.
2. You don’t need your own ... Views:2475
Why easy does it works; It’s the old adage haste makes waste.
Each day nature gives us a great example of easy does it as slowly, the sun rises every single day. Learn from this to go gradually, pace yourself
Agnes Repplier:
“It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, ... Views:1149
Zig Ziglar:
“You need a plan to build a house. To build a life, it is even more important to have a plan or goal.”
When I came to real estate sales from the safety net of the public school system where life is routine and income guaranteed, I was in for a rude awakening. I ... Views:2235
Success is defined as the achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted: they attributed their success in business to hard work. The gaining of fame or prosperity.
Your definition may be different but the essence of success for each person is attaining something they ... Views:1129
What is remodeling?
Remodeling is updating or altering the appearance and functional utility of a building.Home remodeling is big business. It accounts for about 40% of all residential construction spending and about 2% of the U.S. economy.
So to answer the question “Is it ... Views:1244
For some success means making a lot of money for others it might mean reaching a goal and for another it might mean reaching one’s full potential or attaining peace of mind. No matter how you define success, the 13 keys will bring you closer to your picture of what success ... Views:1293
The word journal comes from the French “jour” which means day. Journaling each day is having a visit with your best friend, you.
This ancient practice dates back to the 10th century Japan. Successful people throughout history have kept journals.
Journaling has a positive impact ... Views:961
Benjamin Franklin:
“Life’s tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late.”
A tragedy is a dramatization of any event that has magnitude. The tragedy arises from your self pity and fear. The dramatization brings solace of its own. It gains for you attention and sympathy ... Views:1362
Realtors have a National Code of Ethics. Their professional organizations, local, state and nationally all subscribe to this Code of professional behavior.
Most Realtors follow and adhere to the Code; however, as in any profession there are the few who don’t.
It is these few ... Views:1281
You can help yourself. You can bring about magnificent changes by taking some really simple steps.
Wouldn’t you like to remain calm and serene no matter what was going on in your world? Well it is possible to enjoy peace of mind, to live in the “I’ of life’s storm.
FIVE ... Views:1285
Don’t take your self so seriously. You’ll not get out of this world alive.
One’s sense of humor involves the capacity to appreciate incongruity, absurdity, an unexpected future, a pleasant surprise, or a startle.
Humor helps soften life’s blows. For instance note the humor ... Views:955