Everybody who has undergone a divorce can let you know first hand it's one of the most difficult events you will ever experience. That is especially accurate for people that are also parents. The day to day concerns of parenting are significant enough without divorce and the matters that come ... Views:1230
In Virginia, either party of a marriage is permitted to initiate a divorce based upon fault or no-fault grounds. Fault based divorces are permitted to be initiated immediately provided that the required grounds are existing at the time of filing. Fault based grounds include abuse, desertion, and ... Views:3558
In today’s culture, child custody and visitation factors happen in cases other than divorces. Custody and visitation legal rights need to be set for couples seeking divorce, grandparents, step-parents, former partners, and parties of extramarital affairs and one-night stands. In each of these ... Views:1409
There are approximately 6 million automobile crashes in the United States every year. Approximately 2.5 million injuries and more than 30,000 people die in vehicle accidents. Annually, the rates go up. More and more, individuals are getting injured, if not killed, from car ... Views:1660
It used to be, families commonly remained in the same geographic area for generations. Over the recent years, though, people have grown to be steadily more mobile. Whether due to job transfer, military orders, or just a change of pace, parents with physical custody of their children frequently ... Views:1216
If the end of your marriage is imminent and you are planning on filing for divorce, you might have some important choices to make. Divorce is a daunting, lonely and misunderstood process for many people, particularly when there are kids involved. Your choices have legal, social and emotional ... Views:1482
Spring is in the air. As the school year draws to a close, quite a few families are planning their summer vacations. Virginia is a favorite vacation spot for travelers. Civil War battlefields, Shenandoah National Park, Virginia Beach, Williamsburg, Yorktown....and state troopers with flashing ... Views:1366
Auto accidents regrettably have grown to be ubiquitous in our society. During our everyday drives around town, we surely find at least one automobile collision. Statistics indicate that most people will likely be involved in a serious automobile accident at least once in their lifetime. In case ... Views:2614
In the current economic environment, many people are considering bankruptcy as a way to manage overwhelming debt. With the stress of financial difficulties straining relationships, more couples are also getting divorced. Before filing for bankruptcy and divorce, though, spouses should understand ... Views:1526
Ordinarily speaking, once you turn eighteen years of age the law in most states states that you're an adult. You may make your own choices and be responsible for your own actions. You may also enter into a contract to buy a car or truck, a house, or a Fortune 500 company. You may vote in ... Views:1571
The right to have a criminal attorney with you in the course of any police questioning has long been a fabric of our legal society since the mid-1960s. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the 1966 landmark case of Miranda v. Arizona that criminal investigators are expected to advise people of their ... Views:1052
As anyone who has ever dealt with a spine injury understands, even a minor spine injury is often a major disruption to everyday living. Unfortunately, spine injuries are one of the frequent auto crash injuries, and in a great number of cases, they carry significant effects that may go on for ... Views:1021
Most of the states (all except Louisiana, to my knowledge) have adopted a “common law” technique to their criminal justice system. Without boring you with too many details, this basically means that many of our basic criminal laws are not formal laws (i.e., published statutes) at all. State ... Views:1053
By way of the legal doctrine of “incorporation”, the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution has long been applied to the states. By this doctrine, the states' judiciaries are required to value the Rights assured to us by the Constitution. Among these Rights, the Sixth Amendment, is the right to ... Views:2880
No one looks forward to the prospect of marital separation or divorce; but if your marriage has turned out to be nothing more than friction and unease, it may be your only acceptable decision. People opt to get a separation or divorce for a wide selection of factors, but often the more amicable ... Views:1159
Child custody issues are by far the most emotionally charged aspects of any divorce case. In no other area do the decisions made by you, by your spouse, or by the judge have a more lasting impact than those affecting the lives and future of your children. When faced with issues of child custody ... Views:1317