Do your have arthritis? Or think you might? Over 90 MILLION people in the United States have arthritis. That is one person in 3 people are suffering every day, 24 hours a day. As I was for 43 years. It has now been 27 years of being without arthritis.
The reason for this is that your cells ... Views:2514
10 All-Natural Steps to Achieving Your Health Goals
Step 1
Take Stock of Your Health
The first step is to take stock of your health as it is today.
I want you to make two lists.
1. Your health as it truly is today.
2. Exactly how you want it to be 6 months from now.
This is not just ... Views:1344
Since diseases are caused by our eating habits, our way of life and the air we breathe, we can make changes to restore our immune system.
Our immune system will heal us when we feed it properly. Your health, good or bad is in your hands.
Please remember, you are the master of your own body. ... Views:22598
Even vitamins, minerals, and hormones cannot do their jobs without enzymes. They are the catalysts, the dynamic power that gives us our ability to function at the highest level of good health.
Our bodies cannot exist without enzymes.
I will be talking about digestive plant enzymes. For ... Views:6515
Before I overcame my arthritis naturally, without drugs, I spent 43 years dreading every day, taking untold amounts of drugs and then fearing the dangerous side effects they would cause.
Please do your due diligence and research each and every drug you are taking or about to take.
The ... Views:1891
What is a Mono-diet? It is the First-and Most Powerful-Principle of Care.
Periodic Mono-dieting is in my opinion the first step to recapture your health and lesson your pain. It is what started me to get absolute relief after suffering 43 years with arthritis. Use it in the right way and ... Views:2932
Resentments and anger can be one cause of arthritis. Combine resentments and anger with the accumulation of inorganic calcium deposits in the cartilage of the joints, and you hurt.
As the afflicted cartilage has a magnetic attraction for inorganic calcium atoms, the blood deposits them there ... Views:7797
Osteoporosis is affecting millions, men and women.
Some factors that Increase bone loss are:
1. Lack of weigh-bearing exercise.
2. Not enough vitamin D. This also contributes to breast, prostate, colon cancer and chronic muscle aches and pains. Over 1/2 the females and 1/3 the males ... Views:2188
From the Centers for Disease Control
Are you female, Caucasian, have a lesser education, and overweight? Then you run the greatest risk of either arthritis or chronic joint symptoms. Check out the latest statistics from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
These statistics left me ... Views:1437
Medicine is defined as “the healing art”, a medicine as “a substance possessing curative or remedial properties”.
This is the popular understanding. It is believed that when we become sick we need a medicine in order to recover, we need something to “cure us”.
Most people can appreciate the ... Views:1443