Your nose sits in the middle of your face unobtrusively going about its business 24/7. How much do you really know about its function?
Most people pay little attention to their sense of smell. Other than providing a placeholder for reading glasses, our sense of smell goes about its daily ... Views:1685
Compared to our other senses, relatively little is known about our sense of smell. It is certainly the one most taken for granted. Though most of us rarely think about it, our sense of smell goes about its critical business of helping us in every facet of our lives.
The brain processes ... Views:2921
This breakthrough electronic nose was able to identify the presence of cancer cells with an accuracy of 92 percent.
By Luke Vorstermans
While the Sense of Smell Lab has put its focus on developing products such as the innovative aromapod, research into the power of this sense is gaining ... Views:1458
It’s just a matter of scents.
By Luke Vorstermans
The Sense of Smell Lab (The SOS Lab) is a division of The Orion Group Ltd, a world leader in pioneering products that use our sense of smell for health, wellness and sheer smelling pleasure.
For the past five years, we've been developing ... Views:1592
Imagine using your sense of smell to help manage your emotions, alleviate stress, curb cravings and treat a variety of psychological and physiological problems.
By Luke Vorstermans
The past several years has seen a whole new generation of scent products that are taking advantage of new ... Views:1595
We are taught to read, write and listen. Why not to smell?
By Luke Vorstermans
We breathe in pairs, except for two times in our lives. At birth, we take our first breath; at death we exhale for the last time.
Every day, we breathe about 23,040 times moving over 438 cubic feet of air. It takes ... Views:1655
If you’re looking for a better, safer way to manage your moods and your life, the answer could be as plain as the nose on your face.
By Luke Vorstermans
Every morning before she leaves for work, 51-year-old Melissa Ryan puts on her lipstick, smoothes her hair and checks her reflection in the ... Views:2931
From controlling emotions to enhancing sexual desire, our sense of smell can lead the way!
How much attention do you give to your sense of smell? As a society long obsessed with sight and sound, historically we've paid little attention to this powerful sense. Now thanks to olfactory research, ... Views:1486
Your dog can uncover a bone he buried in your backyard last year. Rabbits smell danger before they see it. Squirrels sniff their way to acorns buried a season ago. Search and rescue dogs can trace a lost child's scent across miles of rugged terrain.
Many animals have an amazing sense of smell. ... Views:1527
Exploring through facts, folklore and mating customs the role that the human sense of smell plays in our sexuality.
In this conclusion, we continue to explore through facts, folklore and mating customs the role that the human sense of smell plays in our sexuality. Click here to read the first ... Views:9817
Exploring through facts, folklore and mating customs the role that the human sense of smell plays in our sexuality.
Do you know what the most important sex organ is on your partner?
The brain. Yes, women readers, even for men. The brain programs our sex drive and reproductive behavior. And ... Views:5786
Some scents bring a feeling of calm, some, romance, while others alert us to danger or repel.
Of all the natural mood enhancers, your sense of smell may be one of the most powerful. Every day we breathe in over 23,040 times and inhale over 238 cubic feet of air. And with each of those breaths, ... Views:3378
Is the workday dragging? You may need more sleep or more stimulating work, but since you probably can't do anything to address these issues on the spot, take a whiff or two of some coffee or chocolate instead. Pop psychology hogwash? Nope. Actually, the human sense of smell ... Views:3115
The Sensual Scents libido patch is an attractive alternative for health conscious boomers.
Never before have people planned so well for healthy retirement years. However, with additional two to three decades of "golden years" expected for Baby Boomers, the alarm is sounding over prescription ... Views:1498
From Nobel Prize winning researchers to factories in Tokyo, aromatherapy has come of Age.
Aromatherapy scents have been used for centuries, but the science behind aromatherapy and scent therapy has in recent years gained much recognition.
For example, the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physiology or ... Views:2509
With increasing life expectancy predicted to give Baby Boomers another 20 or 30 years of retirement living, they are facing a growing dilemma: the pills they swallow today could have dire consequences in the years to come.
While many common prescription and over-the-counter drugs were ... Views:1055
Our nose sits in the middle of our face quietly going about its business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. How much do you really know about its function?
Most people pay little attention to their sense of smell. It just goes about its business identifying, categorizing and memorizing thousands of ... Views:5063
Our five senses act as messengers that deliver information to the brain which is process and responded to in predictable ways. These messages are just information; it’s how we respond that’s important. In all cases, if we change the message being sent, we can change the ... Views:1701
While drug companies are pouring millions of dollars into finding a chemical solution for low libido in women, a small Canadian company has pitted itself against the pharmaceutical giants with a much safer solution that uses our sense of smell.
“Women are being targeted as the next big ... Views:1149
A new patch for women was recently developed to enhance sexual desire. The twist? It uses our sense of smell to activate the ‘feel good’ vibes.
By Luke Vorstermans
While the pharmaceutical giants have been clamoring to develop a ‘pink Viagra’ in hopes of duplicating the ... Views:999
Boomers are facing the ‘use it or lose it’ dilemma so they’re redefining their sexuality.
By Luke Vorstermans
The first wave of Baby Boomers (those born between 1946-1964) hit 60 this year and good health is a top priority. One area of increasing concern is their waning ... Views:1443
Quick: Which of our five senses more than any other influences our behavior? Triggers our memories? Controls our cravings? Enhances our moods? Ignites our sexuality?
If you replied, “It’s our sense of smell,” then you’re smarter than most. We live in a culture that ... Views:1784
Compared to our other senses, relatively little is known about our sense of smell. It is certainly the one most taken for granted. Though most of us rarely think about it, our sense of smell goes about its critical business of helping us in every facet of our lives.
In recent years, research ... Views:1125