We live in a world obsessed with fixing ourselves. More specifically, the fixing I'm talking about here is the fixing of our weaknesses - something the great many endeavor to correct when it comes to increasing performance. We take courses and classes, read books, and follow this craze or that ... Views:1190
The Problem
Today, too many people are frustrated and want more out of their careers. They are tired of struggling to reach the next level of performance in their jobs:
A recent Harris Interactive poll of 7,718 workers revealed that:
o 42% felt burned out
o 33% felt dead-ended
o 85% did not ... Views:1447
There is a myth about strengths and weaknesses, one which states that we all naturally possess them. In reality, we don’t. What we do possess are natural talents and non-talents, but these are not the same as strengths and weaknesses.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those that thinks it is ... Views:2068