Planning a wedding is one of the most nerve wracking endeavors in a persons life. This is especially true for people who are not hiring a wedding planner. Weddings provide the perfect opportunity for home grown drama as is evident by the show “Bridezilla”. Keep reading as we take a look at some of the most prevalent problems you will face while planning your wedding, we also show you how to use the wedding planner app for iPad, iPhone and Android to alleviate these bottlenecks.

The biggest problem facing a bride and groom is the same one they will face as a new couple. BUDGETING!!!! With the budget feature on the wedding app keeping spending under control no longer becomes a big issue. The feature allows you to come up with a complete estimated budget and as you purchase things key in the actual prices. The program does the math for you. There are a few brides that actually found that at the end some of the budgeted funds were leftover, hooray for the honeymoon. There are other things you can personally do to make sure that planning the wedding do not derail the romance. If you know you can’t afford an open bar give out drink coupons that allow each guest a certain number of drinks on the wedding host and after those are expended they will have to purchase their own.

Another big wedding issue that comes up during planning is the bridesmaids. Often they do not like the dresses they have to wear. Well, once again the wedding planner app can come to your rescue by providing you a way to share your choices with your brides maids on the spot. You can have each look at the same website pick 2-3 styles they would like and then go through them to see how many picked the same or similar dresses and make a decision you will all be able to live with. they can view your choices by accessing your wedding website from their mobile phones.

One thing that invariably happens is that someone thought someone else was supposed to do something and it ends up not getting done at all. Again the wedding planner app has the answer. This app is one of the most efficient organizational tools you can have. There is a list for everything built right in and it even leaves a space for notes so you can always know who was assigned what. The wedding planner app also has a neat feature that allows you to set ring tone reminders for important events. This way you can set it for 24 hour advance notification, then it is a simple matter of reminding the responsible party of their obligation.

Author's Bio: 

Getting to the big day with as few problems as possible is possible, and the wedding mobile app can help you get there. Wedding planning is no small task but if you have all the tools you need at your disposal 24/7 you will keep problems to a minimum.