Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what you have into enough and more than enough. Let me share with you a bit about what I mean...
turns denial into acceptance.
turns chaos into order.
Gratitude turns confusion to clarity.
Gratitude creates a vision for tomorrow.
Gratitude has an energy of its own.
Gratitude gives light to darkness.
Gratitude turns a house into a home.
Gratitude turns meal into a feast.
Gratitude turns a stranger into a friend.
Gratitude can turn a lack of clients into an abundance
of clients.
So you want to be grateful for the unknown blessings that you may not be able to see, but are already on their way to you...
Now, this is true...
Energy POOR entrepreneurs believe their success is primarily their own doing. They believe in the self-made person theory.
And this is also true...
Energy RICH entrepreneurs are aware that all good things come from the spirit of love and appreciation. This energy lightens a heavy heart and there is nothing more attractive than appreciation...
So here are three keys to unlock the gratitude in your heart and activate more abundance in your business:
Key #1: Reach out to loved ones. Take a moment and think about how your loved ones have helped you though rough times. Any time that someone was there to help you pick up the pieces and to give you support when you needed it. Take a moment to thank them... be it your mom, dad, sister, brother, husband, wife or best friend.
Show your appreciation for all the support they’ve shared with you in the past and then be willing to ask them to celebrate all that is still to come for you by keeping their eyes, ears and hearts open to folks who would be a match to your service. The amazing thing is that people - especially loved ones - are always happy to help. It makes them feel good!
Key #2: Reach out to clients. It’s SO very important that you show your current and past clients your appreciation for their business. Show them you are grateful by sending them cards, gifts and notes of appreciation. Just because you truly feel appreciative for the opportunity to serve!
This creates an open door for your current clients to be served in the highest way and to have them willing to share their experience with others. Clients that you truly enjoy serving will give you wonderful referrals because they know the genuine energy of your services first hand. This energy will have people keeping you in mind for months and sometimes years! Therefore either coming back for more or referring people or both!
Hint: Also always send an appreciation gift to the person who sends you a referral. Send this gratitude gift immediately.
Key #3: Reach out to potential clients. This may sound tricky but you can show your gratitude to potential clients by activating this energy in ALL of your marketing.
This is a huge difference from marketing with energy such as fear ("What if people see me as a fraud?"); manipulation ("How can I get someone to buy what I have?"); disbelief ("I'll never get any clients"); frustration ("I'm wasting my time!"); desperation ("I have to pay my rent!"); annoyance ("People are so stupid!"); self-deprecation ("I'm no good at this...")
I invite you to utter this truth before you use any marketing tool or begin any marketing campaign:
"The light in me, solutes the light in you."
AND do this consistently.
The result? Consistent flow of new clients.Appreciation is an extremely attractive energy.
Your Call To Action:
1. Check in - what do you have to be grateful for and celebrate about in your business?
2. Share this appreciation with those who are personally close to you, those that you serve and those who are on their way.
3. Be open to receive.
4. Remember: Appreciation = Attraction.
Heather Dominick, founder of the EnergyRICH(R) Success System for Entrepreneurs, a proven step-by-step system that allows you to bridge your passion to 6-figure profit! Get started right away with your free business success kit:
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