Shakespeare is known for the quote, “To thine own self be true,” from his play Hamlet. People throughout history have yearned for the knowledge of how to be true to the Real Self.

When children are young, they seem very free in their expression. A child’s laughter is one of the most beautiful sounds: full, joyous, and resonant. Unfortunately, many of us learn to squelch that natural laughter, to subdue our energy, or to be “seen and not heard,” so that by the time we are adults we have difficulty knowing who we are. Our society encourages us to look a certain way, speak so that other people will approve of us, follow the trends that are popular. I recently spoke with a 60-something woman who told me she was going to let her hair go natural. She has been straightening it since she was in her 20’s and covering the gray since the age of 40. “I think it’s time for me to find out what I really look like,” she said. “I don’t even know what my natural look is!”

How can we truly express ourselves if we don’t even know who we are? There are a couple of ways we can learn to re-connect with the Real Self, the inner self or true nature. It is important, first of all, to learn to quiet the outer mind. All of that brain chatter that says we should think, talk, or act in ways that are “appropriate” must cease so that we can become still and listen.

Concentration exercises are especially helpful for calming the mind. A simple breathing exercise can do wonders. Inhale deeply through the nose, hold the breath for a moment, and then exhale through the mouth. Do this a few times, rhythmically and easily. Then breathe naturally, and simply observe the breath. You will find your mind becoming quieter.
With a still, calm mind, the practice of meditation is most helpful. Meditation is a form of inner listening. A daily meditation practice can aid anyone to know the self that exists beyond the physical body and the five senses. This higher self can provide answers and give us guidance when we learn to listen.

Remembering night-time dreams and learning to interpret them is another wonderful way to know the self. Dreams come from the inner self, or subconscious mind, and give guidance to the outer self, or conscious mind. They relate truth because the subconscious or inner mind only stores truth. The key to understanding dreams is to learn the language in which they communicate.

Keeping a dream journal by the bed is an excellent way to capture the dream upon awakening. Dreams can clue us into our life purpose, our own attitudes and state of awareness, and can even connect us with other people and resources. There are famous tales of inventors, scientists, artists, writers, musicians, and entrepreneurs who received their inspiration from dreams .

A good way to start using dream-inspiration for creative expression is to write down in your dream journal, “I want to remember my dreams .” Then, ask your subconscious mind a question. In the morning, make sure to write down the first thing you remember, before you hop out of bed or start talking or thinking about your day.

A couple of years ago I was writing a book on visualization. It was a revision and update of a book I’d written thirteen years earlier. The first book had gone out of print, and I had been told that the title was not too catchy. I couldn’t seem to come up with a good title for the new book. I had lists of possible titles, some recommended by other people, some that I had considered. None was exactly right. So one night I asked for a dream to give me the book title. In the morning, as I awoke, I heard in my mind the words, “The Law of Attraction and Other Secrets of Visualization.” I immediately wrote it down in my dream journal. I decided to use that title for the book, and it has turned out to be highly successful! The book sold out in the first year and went into a second printing before the year was over.

Listen to your inner self. It will guide you, so that your creative expression is coming from your heart. That is the road to fulfillment and to aiding others with your unique gifts.

Author's Bio: 

Laurel Clark is the President of the School of Metaphysics, a teacher, an author, a public speaker, counselor, and interfaith minister. She is the author of a book called Dharma: Finding Your Soul’s Purpose. A weekend retreat in Missouri by the same title provides intuitive guidance for anyone to know their soul’s purpose. You can reach Dr. Clark at or online at . School of Metaphysics is a not-for-profit educational organization that teaches people how to meditate, to understand and interpret dreams, to develop intuition, to visualize and to align with universal laws. The national number is 417-345-8411. The World Headquarters email is . Three other online campuses may be found at , , and .