I know you have a calling that you desire to see fulfilled…

You want to see lives transformed by the power of what you have to say…

You want to teach, inspire, coach, motivate, heal so many people and you want to start doing it now…

And it is a given that you want to make money at it though there is some conflict as to whether you are allowed to…

But this is the thing…

You are still trying too hard to please everyone…

You still think that it matters whether they like you or not…

You still think you have to hold back in order not to step on toes…


Are you getting anywhere?

Or are you just getting your finances in a mess?

And STILL NOT helping the people you KNOW you are called to serve?

Yes, yes, yes, you make little things happen…

People are kinda glad to have you around…

You change a few lives here or there but mostly, there is no power, no unique energy to it…

The people around you right now, could give or take you…

There is no loyalty to you except when they want something from you…

And honey, you feel impotent and broke a lot of the time…

Even though YOU KNOW that you carry something amazing, something powerful that could literally rock the world but your niceness, your need to please everyone is causing you to play small…


I know, it is scary but you know you have that side of you…

And it scares you!

It scares you that you could unleash this power within you that could get EVERY SINGLE THING YOU WANT but could also be so relentless that it could hurt a few ‘norms’ in its wake…

And their feelings are more important to you than your mission…

And I get it…

You don’t want to hurt anyone, why would you want to?

But honey, you have to trust yourself…

And you have to surround yourself by people who are not so wimpy that they hold you back!


You do have to fight for what you desire…

You have to fight for the people you are called to serve…

And you have to unleash the dark side within you…

The part of you that is focused, that is relentless in your quest, that sees no weakness, that is practically emotionless as you keep the goal dead centre in front of you and refuse to back down..

It is this part of you that causes any obstacle in your path to disappear…

Because you do not see it…

There is no fear when you unleash this part of you…

There is just dead certainty that you will do what it takes and it is inevitable that you will get the result…

Because you will NEVER back down.

And yes, honey that power lives in you!

And you have to unleash it.

You have to do whatever it takes to unleash it or else time just keeps passing by, you keep trying to please every single soul in your life and you get absolutely nowehere and nothing worth talking about.

It is time!

You must win!


Your real people are waiting to hear from you…

They need your particular brand of healing, speaking, teaching…

No one can deliver it like you!

Give up being Mr Nice Guy/Gal – BE YOU!


Trust Yourself enough to know that your dark side can be controlled by you…

You have watched all those hollywood movies designed to make you think that you have to be nice in order to win at life…

Feeding you mediocrity behind lovely sounding music so that you buy into the thinking of the masses – “The rich are horrid and we have to be nice and wimpy in order to be happy”

Your church as well, in a bid to keep you down has tried to make you wimpy and soft – they call it ‘Being loving’ and you bought into it…

School trained you to fall in with the crowd and try to blend in because they want to make you a great worker bee…

And now, you have this call deep inside of you, to transform a HUGE NUMBER of lives, to be wealthy and to be YOUR BEST self and you are showing up tamed and wimpy…

And this version of you cannot win…

Because you will not do what it takes!

You just won’t!

So Leader, you need to give this charade up…

And unleash YOU!  The real YOU!

And it will include what you now might think is the dark side of you because it feels alien to fully unleash yourself but honey, that is the real powerful YOU – the one that can do what you dream of, the one you see in your visions when you see yourself doing the work you are born to do.

That is the YOU that needs to be unleashed…

Will you dare to do it?

Or will you keep being all wimpy and tamed?

Again, you are a warrior, a champion, a sexy, powerful creature called to do great work…

Unleash your true power…

Stop being afraid of what ‘norms’ will think of you!

Let some people go so that you create space for the ones who will cheer you on!

And frankly, it matters not about them…

What matters is that you do the work…

You live the life you dream of…

You be YOUR BEST self…

And you conquer every fear, doubt…

And you win!

And because you win, you change a whole lot of lives…

Including the financial fortune of yourself and your family

So stop holding back…

Join me for Relentless. Sexy. Sales where in 7 days, you will discover how to make more money online being UNAPOLOGETICALLY YOU! Charismatically calling in your people – the ones you are called to impact.

It is time.

Find out more and join in at RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/relentless

We start on Wednesday – Grab your spot now before the investment level shoots up again.


Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live

Because you want to!

Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/5customers to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online