Tips for finding a job in 2010

The job market is shaky. Since the recession began in December 2007, the economy has lost approximately 1.4 million jobs.

The traditional job search strategy of sending out résumés, attending large job fairs, often ends up going nowhere when there are more than 14 million unemployed individuals and only 2.5 million jobs to fill according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

You may think it’s impossible to find a job in today. Not so! Now is the very best time to move forward with force, while your competition is moving slowly. It is too easy to use the economy as an excuse. In many ways, a job search is like a numbers game. You increase your odds by increasing your activity. You must dig a little deeper.

By following these tips and focusing your job hunt where it will be most productive, you find a good job regardless of the economy.

1. Keep your spirits up. A great number of individuals are discouraged and dropping out of the job market. Please don’t be one of them.
2. Update your résumé: Customize it for each specific you that you are applying for.3. Expand your job-hunting targets. If you are searching only in Florida, think of other geographic areas, for example try Georgia. If you are looking only in large public corporations, consider small or private companies or not-for-profit. The job market is not the same across the country. Some states are creating more new jobs than others. You may need to move.
4. Focus on growth industries. There are a number of industries predicted to grow during these difficult economic times.

Most career professionals would agree that the top industries for 2010 include:

• Computer/IT
• Energy
• Health Care
• Residential Care
• Federal Government
• International business
• Business Services
• Security (Physical and systems)
• Technology and Education: (Should grow with the President’s stimulus programs)

5. Build your network. Don’t rely solely on the ads in your local newspaper. Your job search should be expanded to include, head hunters, friends, family, business associates, trade associations, alumni groups, and church organizations. Networking for you next job is always important, but with higher unemployment and more job seekers in the field, it is even more important. Many job seekers learn about the opening through their network before they are advertised. Networking is easier than in past years because of the easy access to your network and those of your friends and colleagues. You can now access (Linkedln, BrightFuse, and Facebook) sites to and see who in your network knows someone at a company that you are interested in working for. Just sure to keep it professional on the networking sites.
6. Find a place holder. Try to be as flexible as you can. Consider contract work, part-time work, or starting at a lesser salary than you were hoping for. If you can find a decent job that offers at least some of what you need, take it. Please remember that no job last forever and you can always get something better when the job market rebounds. This is only temporary.
7. Learn new skills. From your research, you will know which skills employers value most in your target job area. If you do not have those skills, you will want to get training. There are a variety of different kinds of training that will work to help you prepare for a new job: formal training, customized training, on-the-job training, and internships. Explore your options and make a choice based on your needs and those of your employers.
8. Develop a daily plan. Once you have narrowed your career choices, create a workable plan with a schedule for each of the strategies and steps you will take. Map out which activities you will do each day, e.g., Monday and Wednesday will be devoted to Hidden Job Market Strategies, Tuesday and Saturday for Online Job Search Strategies, etc. and stick with your plan. Your job search needs to be treated as a new job and it is far easier to manage when you give it a structure and have a routine.
9. Volunteer: Show future employers concrete activities that demonstrate initiative and skill-building. Your volunteer activities may impress someone at the organization so much that they will offer you a paying job.
10. Listen! Be patient and be real. Do not expect glamorous careers immediately. Use your common sense. Listen to other people's advice. Do what is expected of you, and do it well. Be yourself in your career search—your better self, of course. Identify the style that brought you success in the past. Those are the skills you're most comfortable with and can use to your best advantage.

About the author: Marcell Ausborn is on a mission to inspire and empower others through career coaching and personal motivation .

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Author's Bio: 

Marcell Ausborn is the CEO and Owner of Solutions in HR located in Hampton, Georgia. Marcell Ausborn is a senior Human Resources professional with over 20 years of experience in HR management in Government and private industry.

Marcell has a successful track record in accomplishing challenging objectives and enjoys working with a broad range of businesses and clients. His goal is to help every client gain a sustainable competitive advantage through the development and execution of excellent HR programs and strategies. He has provided training and completed a vast array of HR projects. Solutions in HR is dedicated to individual career coaching and assisting business owners with their day to day human resource needs.