Has your kitchen become drab? Want to give it a makeover? Irrespective of whether you are renovating your house or giving your old decor a boost, you must have considered kitchen splashbacks because it’s undoubtedly one of the most cost effective ways to give your kitchen a new lease of life. Over the last few years, splashbacks have become extremely popular not just because it enhances the visual appeal of your kitchen but also for its practicality.
The rising demand has expanded the horizons
As the demand for splashbacks increased, new and unique designs have been introduced in the market. So stunning are the designs available these days, it can be tricky for you to choose the most suitable one for your kitchen. Gone are the days when tiles were the preferred wall covering in houses as these days most builders and designers recommend splashbacks as compared to other materials.
Sure when you consider the materials available in splashbacks, you will be spoilt for choice. There is granite, glass, wood, stainless steel and many others. But out of the all these materials, glass and acrylic is probably the most popular. But if you are performing kitchen renovations, you can’t possibly go for both, right? So what should you go for –glass or acrylic?
Well, to help you make an informed decision, let’s discuss the features of both of them:-
• People love the shine which acrylic provides
• Scratch resistant
• A wide range of colours available for you to choose from.
• Beautiful finish
• Can withstand high temperatures
• Can be used behind the stove
How durable are they?
Since toughened glass is used for glass splashbacks, they are quite strong, but that doesn't mean that it won't break if you knock it with an iron rod. Acrylic splashbacks, on the other hand, are practically resistant to any impacts so they can very well handle the everyday load in the kitchen.
Which one remains clean for long?
More often than not, glass splashbacks need more cleaning since they are prone to fingerprints and dust. It's acrylic counterparts, on the other hand, remain clean for a longer period since it doesn’t attract any dust.
Which one is more affordable?
If you are on a tight budget, you should probably go for acrylic ones since they are less expensive than its glass counterparts.
Which one can be used near a heat source?
If you are looking to install splashbacks near a heat source, you should probably opt for glass since it’s tougher; acrylic is not recommended in such areas. One thing that you need to remember is even glass splashbacks can’t be used if you don’t toughen it.
Which one is easier to install?
Obviously, acrylic is lighter than glass which means that it will also be easier to install them. It will require at least 2 people to move the glass safely.
So these are some of the things which should help you make your decision. At the end of the day, it comes down to what kind of decor you want in your kitchen and how much you are willing to splurge for it.
The author is one of the biggest producers of acrylic splashbacks . If you want any kind of kitchen splashbacks , he can help you out.