How often have you said or heard someone else say, "I'm going to give it a try and see how it goes."? Most likely, if that was the approach, not a whole lot was accomplished - if anything at all.

As the wise Master Yoda said, "Do or do not... there is no try." When we approach something without a sense of determination and an intent, we are often left surrounded by half completed projects, less than stellar results or perhaps beginnings that never even got a start. It's important to remember that in life and business if you don't show up 100% neither will your desires.

In order to really accomplish the things you want in your life and your business, there are a few elements that are essential for you to have in play...

1. Know what you want - Be clear and specific about what you want. Create a goal. If you want to increase your income by a certain amount, what is that amount? If you want to attract more clients, how many and at what rate? The Universe loves you to be specific because then it knows how to move it toward you!

2. Know why you want it - this is where you get clear about your purpose. Why do you have this desire and how does it serve your purpose? You want to connect emotionally to your desire...and yes, even if your desire is for more income - why do you want more money? What will that mean for you? How will others be helped? What will your life look like? What will your business look like?

3. Make a "no matter what" decision - this is where "trying" gets thrown out the window. Once you have an emotional connection to what you desire, make the decision that it is happening - no matter what! That doesn't mean it will happen "how" you want it to happen or that it will "look" like what you think it will, but you're going to follow it out to it's fruition!

4. Create a plan - This is where many of us can fall short. We say we know what we want, but we don't create a way to take organized, purposeful action. Without a plan, we are running around making random efforts with no intention. When you make a plan, you start seeing clearly what it takes to achieve your desire. So if you want to increase your income or number of it out! Devise a plan to reach that goal - write it out and look at it daily.

The one caveat here is that even though you have a clear-cut plan, it is important to let go of the attachment to "how" things play out. You make your plan, and then you stay alert to opportunities and allow things to unfold rather than trying to force or "make" them happen. This is a tricky balance and the more you play with this concept, the more you will understand how it works.

5. Keep showing up! - This is where you stay driven by your purpose and desire and you trust your intuition - your gut. You have made your decision and devised your plan and now, you keep showing up to do whatever it takes for your desire to become a reality. Be persistent, trust yourself and don't turn back. You will most likely tweak your plan, make adjustments, do a little revamping - but all the while you are staying on course to your desire - until you accomplish it. Because the only way you will not achieve your if you quit! So keep showing up.

Call to Action

We invite you to consider how you have been approaching the pursuit of a desire you may have. Whether you desire more income in your business, more clients, a shift in your structure or the way you spend your time, are you trying to make an improvement or have you decided to make an improvement - no matter what?

What if you DID make a "no matter what" decision to have what you desire? How would you feel and what would your life look like if you made that kind of commitment to yourself and your business? How many lives would you change - not least of all the first being your own?

Why not take your desire through the above process and have the experience you TRULY desire?

Author's Bio: 

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Putting into action the very system and principles they teach, Paige Stapleton and Brian Stark left careers that were leaving them feeling small and unfulfilled and followed their bliss! Now, as founders of Authentic Marketing Made Easy™, and The Authentic Marketing System™, they have created a life they love helping healers, practitioners, coaches and other small business owners learn the simple and holistic way to market and grow their service-based businesses, so they can attract more clients and make more money, while staying in integrity with their passion and purpose.