Oh… you did not sleep last night… the child was up with some illness or the other…

Oh, I am so sorry…

You worked 20 hours in the job you hate and now you have no time for your biz…

Oh I am so sorry…

You feel down and unable to get your head in the game…

Oh I am so sorry…

You feel overwhelmed with everything and unable to see a way through and so you are taking a break for a bit to get clear…

Oh I am so sorry…

Your body hurts and you seem to be coming down with something…

Oh I am so sorry…

You have been pushing and pushing for a week and you do not have a customer yet…

Oh I am so sorry…

Your partner left you last week and now you feel completely broken…

Oh I am so sorry…

And you know what…

I am really sorry that you keep coming up with all these excuses…

All these reasons why you will not allow yourself to excel…

You keep wasting time…

Telling yourself that your reasons are valid…

That you are the only one to feel what you feel…

And even as I write this, I wonder if I should even bother speaking to you… really…

Because I begin to wonder if you have what it takes or if you are just playing around with this thing…

Becuse surely, it would be easier if you just backed down and recognised that you were never going to stay on track long enough to get the result you want.

Surely it would be easier if you just found yourself a nice little job somewhere and went and did that…

No pressure, no need to be relentless, just show up, do what they tell you and get paid what they think you are worth, like clockwork at the end of the month/fortnight…

Why keep putting yourself through dreaming that you can have it all when you just will not let yourself do it…

I do need you to realise this, though…

It is your choice!

Nothing is happening to you that you cannot handle WHILE doing the work…

But you have made the things more important than getting your result and so you do not get your result you get more of your reasons and excuses.

The people who do make it – the relentless ones – they had all the same issues…

All the same reasons…

All the same events…

All of it!

And they refused to back down ANYWAY!

Success became a habit for them…

Just as a lack of success has become a habit for you!

And it does not have to be that way…

It does not.

But you keep making the choice over and over and OVER AGAIN to give your excuses a higher place than your dreams

OK. Fine. Keep them then.

I am so sorry that you get to lose BY CHOICE because you had something amazing to offer the world but you just could not get over yourself long enough to deliver it.

You do get my sympathy, honey…

You really do.

But what does that do for you?

How does that help you?


Why the hell would you do that?

Aaargh, you hurt my heart but hey, I cannot own your dream more than you do.

So, go on…

Go hide away in a nice little safe bubble…

Go listen to your small minded friends or coaches telling you that you have done enough and you just need to get some balance…

Keep buying into the smallness so that it is easier to hide from the truth…

The truth that YOU QUIT on yourself…

And you never had to.

You could have it all…


If you would just stay on the narrow path…

Yes the pressure can be full on at times…

But you HAVE WHAT IT TAKES and you know it!


YOu have won many battles already…

And you have stood through so much negative stuff…

But now you keep buying into the nonsense…


Be a ‘norm’ then.

Your Choice.

It feels almost crazy to end with this but here is a reminder that to get the life you want, you have to FIGHT yourself for it and choose to DELIBERATELY DESIGN it because it ain’t just gonna come jump in your lap with no superhuman effort from you.

Honey, do it because really… YOU WANT TO!


So, for goodness sake, give up the excuses and DO THE WORK consistently, relentlessly because once you commit, fully, TRULY commit, Success is INEVITABLE!


And so, to you, the leader who has been tempted to quit pushing because of this, that or the other thing…

To you the leader who wants more than you are currently experiencing…

To you the leader, willing to do the CLARITY/HEALING work while at the same time doing the ACTION work…

Relentless. Sexy. Sales Is here for you…

Get off your butt and give up the excuses and go join in now.


The price goes up in less than an hour so stop dilly dallying!

Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/5customers to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online