It is very essential to understand and realize that recognizing or admitting the grief promotes the healing process. Grief in itself is a natural and normal reaction or response to loss. It happens in response to the loss of something or a person most especially close to you. The Stages of Grief. It’s important to note that the stages of grief exist; nevertheless, they don’t represent any particular way to react or respond to loss. Instead, the stages of grief reveal a wide range of responses which may arise as a person begins to makes sense of how this loss is affecting them.

Time and support assist and encourage the process of grieving, likewise, welcoming the opportunity to mourn appropriately. 1. Shock, numbness and denial-- being numb is actually a natural reaction to an immediate loss and therefore should not be mistaken or confused with apathy or lack of caring. This serves to guard or protect the person from undergoing through the intensity or degree of the loss. The feelings of disbelief and denial would gradually minimize as the person slowly recognizes the impact or effect of this loss and its accompanying emotions. 2. Bargaining—this stage of grief could provide the insight into the effect or intensity of one’s loss; however, if not properly determined or addressed, some deep feelings of guilt or regret may surface and may get in the way of the healing process.

Seldom, individuals might muse or meditate about what could have been done to keep the loss from happening. People can become engrossed or preoccupied about thinking or analyzing all the things that can never be or about some ways that things could have been better or what might have been. 3. Depression —for most people, this must be experienced in order to start recovering and reorganizing their life. During this phase, some emotions of emptiness, isolation, loneliness and self-pity could arise participating in this reactive depression . Some of the common symptoms of being depressed are: frequent crying spells, lack of focus and energy, and appetite and sleep disturbances.

4. Anger—emotions of resentment may result from feeling abandoned, occurring in cases of death or tragedy. The feeling of anger may surface toward one’s higher power or toward life as a whole for the injustice felt of the loss. After a person admits and acknowledges anger, remorse may come out due to expressing these negative emotions. These feelings are just normal and should be valued for grief to be resolved. This response typically takes place when someone feels powerless and hopeless. 5. The final stage of Acceptance—the whole grieving process supports the person. Time allows the human being the opportunity to resolve the extent of emotions that rise.

That is, healing process takes place when the loss becomes integrated into the person’s set of life’s experiences. Guidelines that help in resolving grief: 1. Express emotions openly; crying offers release 2. Give time to experience feelings and thoughts openly to yourself. 3. Tell the story of a loss; confide in a trusted person. 4. Seek professional help if the healing process becomes too upsetting.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article, Amy Twain , is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Amy recently published a new home study course on how to boost your Self Esteem. More info about this “Quick-Action Plan for A More Confident You” is available HERE .