The amount of time that you spend at your work place takes up almost 50% of your time. Since so much of our lives and energy are consumed by our job, isn’t it then important and natural that we learn to not just work well with our colleagues but build up great relationships with them?

Many people take workplace relationships for granted, because we don’t really see the need to go out of the way or make deliberate moves to build relationships with our colleagues beyond the 9-5 timing.

But what many people do not see is that you can transform the way you work and the results of your performance by simply taking a step in focusing and building rich, rewarding relationships with your teammates, customers, and contacts.


In this 21st century, where high-tech communication tools save us lots of time and make us more effective but it is important not to forget that these new forms of interaction must compliment rather than replace the human touch and the process of building relationships. Sure, technology is great but you cannot fax a handshake and you most definitely can't e-mail a pat on the back.

In today's work environment we are seeing and speaking with our workmates less and less, preferring to send an email than stop by and ask our question in person, when they are just sitting a few desks away.

While email is efficient and convenient, it is not always the most appropriate method of communication and it can end up breaking your relationship with your colleagues, because sometimes what we communicate in our emails may end up interpreted wrongly from our colleagues.

Effective communication in the workplace will minimize misunderstandings among colleagues thus maximizing work efficiency. When we have communication breakdowns at work, we spend time and energy trying to make amends.

Never discount the importance of face-to-face and telephone communication when it comes to building and maintaining working relationships.

These allow for a higher level of communication than email. They allow you and your colleagues to not only receive information, but also to share ideas and feedback, interacting with each other.With face to face communication it is also faster in asking for clarifications and clearing up any misunderstanding if you have, instead of leaving it to manifests, which is how usually office politics get started.

Managing healthy and interactive communications at the workplace not only increases understanding, but also leads to a happier and less stressful working environment.


Often we hear people say that talk is cheap and that is because most often than not, people say they will deliver a certain result and then, once they get the order, they never follow through on their commitment.

Doing what you say you will do, when you say you would do it, in the way you said you would do it is the best way to begin to deepen your relationships and raise the level of your personal credibility with those you work with and serve.

No one likes a lazy and unproductive member in the team who will drag down everyone morale and work efficiency. Respect from your colleagues will be build up just simply through you honoring your words and your commitments.

Success in business, and in life, lies in the smallest follow-through and however strong and noble your intentions are, if you can’t deliver on the commitment, you definitely will not be on anyone’s appreciation list.

Great work done at a work usually constitutes not only the effort by its leader but also its team members. Give acknowledgements with a good job done, with a simple thank you and encouragement! That allows your colleague to receive your thanks for them and this will also allows also brightens up their day when they know that you are appreciative of their work and their presence in the team.


Work place relationships are important because they bring you places.Treat your colleagues and bosses well, and leave a good impression. Go the extra mile for people, because when you find yourself in situations where you need to reach out for useful contacts, these people will be likely to return the favor and aid you.

Even after you quit your job and leave for another company, your reputation and the relationships that you have build up still remains. You do not want to leave a bad name behind as your colleagues might know of others in the new company that you are working in, and that might spoil the brand new job that you just land yourself in.

With great relationships build up, it will all the more be easier to ask your employer or colleagues for referrals and testimonials that will boost up your resume!

And isn’t it better to leave a place with great memories and relationships intact then to look back to know that your colleagues can’t wait to see the last of you?


While the above seems common sense, not many individuals do it - and if you took one of the above and FOCUSED on building it for a week, you'll start to see the difference that it can make.

Author's Bio: 

Jada Seet is an executive coach who specializes in relational and business coaching. Volunteering at Executive Coach International (ECI, Singapore) as a training and development executive, she is dedicated and passionate about extra touches that adds magic in the workplace.
To find out more about her, find her at