Nietzsche referred to the wind as the ‘very stuff of human freedom.” In ancient cultures it has been named as “the power of the spirit”, the messenger of the gods.” In modern times, the wind is the manifestation of energy, rising from the center of power. It brings regeneration. Our power to change depends on our internal wind flow and our willingness to work with the current of energy within.

There are many changes we would like to make; old beliefs, behaviors, and habits that do not fit our personality or the goals we would like to achieve. What was appropriate at certain time in our lives does not serve our purpose today. However, making those changes is often a difficult task. Those old patterns have been a part of us for so long that has literally solidified in our bones.

What follows is a quick but strict six step process that will guide and help you in making friends with your inner wind flow. Be honest with yourself and consistent in your practices to graciously welcome the winds of change.

1. First things first. Identify the behavior , habit, or belief you are dealing with. If you want to stop it, what is getting in the way? What are you creating, consciously or unconsciously, that is stopping you from changing?

2. Get in contact. Talk to that aspect of your life you want to change. Is this behavior working for or against you? Review the pros and cons.

3. Look at the poles. How is this behavior affecting your life? Think in terms of positive and negative. How is this behavior affecting others besides you?

4. Be creative. Creativity leads to options. When you are decided to make a change, having considered and pondered all the questions, work on an action plan. Think about creative solutions that would help you in dealing with the change at hand. Give yourself the gift of various appealing choices.

5. Check up! As you practice your creative choices in substitution for that behavior that needs to change, do periodical assessments. How are these choices working for you now? How do you feel with these changes? How are these changes improving your life as a whole?

6. Jump in the future. Travel in time. Move ahead in time and play the imagination game. See yourself fully enjoying the choices you made as the behavior you wanted to change had already disappeared. Rejoice in the sense of an accomplished mission.

Changes are not necessarily easy to accomplish but neither have to be painful. We must commit and be diligent in our efforts. Like the wind, changes take many different paths. The journey could be challenging but, arriving at our final destination turns into a lifelong celebration of freedom.

Author's Bio: 

Norma Casas has been an educator for over twenty years. She is also a certified life coach. She has also studied methaphysics since an early age and is passionate about helping others, especially women in achieving their highest potential. She is currently studying neuro-linguistic programming focused education improvement.