Hello and Cead Mile Failte´,

this is gaelic and means "a hundred thousand times wellcome".

We live in a world, in which we have too much distraction from things outside of ourselves. Instead of listening to ourselves, we dive into various methods of distraction, which are available almost everywhere - TV, advertising, etc.,. But what do we like to be distracted from? From our own inner voice?

During this wonderful summer I have often used my free time to get into contact with the silence which lives deep inside of me. Whether on the beach, at the lake, during a long walk, whilst riding, the surrounding beauty of the sea, the lakes, the countryside and the sky became more conscious to me. When I feel connected to nature, it helps me more and more to forget myself, and to be aware of something deeper, more expansive and omnipresent. In one split second, I can be totally present. Each and every moment can be extraordinary, when you experience the reality of being.

Just as when a lake is quite still, it reflects perfectly the surrounding beauty of hill and sky, so also does our mind when perfectly calm, reflect the beauty, harmony, perfection and order of the Divine. When we become completely still, our mind becomes attuned to the Infinite Mind, after which nothing else matters. When we spend time in silence, we can hear the voice of our soul whispering it's sacred message and encouraging us to make choices that bring us more happiness, health, love, meaning and peace . Life is an enormous field full of possibilities. True intelligence operates silently. Silence is where creativity and the answer to many problems can be found. New possibilities and new ideas can arise spontaneously. It's this inner silence that can transform the world. As Muriel Maufroy, Rumi's daughter said, "The knowledge of God is as free as a bird, and so is your soul."

When you lose touch with inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself. When you lose touch with yourself, you lose yourself in the world. Your innermost sense of self, of who you are, is inseparable from stillness. This is the I Am that is deeper than name and form. It's always good to get in touch with ourselves again. We are there to help you, we offer you lots of posssibilities to do just this!

May your day be still and peaceful!

Author's Bio: 

Ruth Bleakley-Thiessen is a Journey Practitioner, an artist and the initiator of World-Wise Connections. She loves connecting people to possibilities to enhance awareness.