Cellulite is caused by the abnormal deposition of fat, excess fluids, and toxins in the subcutaneous cells. Among the numerous contributory factors that trigger the formation of cellulite, poor diet plays an equally devastating role. They famous adage “We are what we eat” holds true with the unwanted skin condition.

As man or woman, to be exact (90% of the total women in the world has cellulite, while only an estimated 10% for men), increases her patronage over industrial processed food, the probability of developing cellulite is likewise heightened. Why is this so? Majority of these foods are loaded with saturated fat and sugar, while taking away most of the vitamins and minerals contained on food’s raw form. What’s worse is that cellulite formation is further accelerated with poor eating habits. All these catastrophic diet plan result to the distinct “orange peel” or “cottage cheese” look of the skin. It’s a funny coincidence that cellulite’s monikers are coined after food.

Although cellulite may be a tough curse to totally lift, it is not impossible to do so. In spite of the sprouting of various cellulite treatments in the market that claim to un-shroud the skin of cellulite, not any one of them deliver what it promises. However, there are some real remedies for cellulite that can be tapped that are also beneficial to the overall health and wellness of the body. One good example of these is vitamins. Be mindful that vitamins and minerals are not only in capsule and tablet form. The best source of these essential cellulite-fighters is, you said it, food.

Listed below are some of the vitamins that can fend-off cellulite along with a brief description of each.
Vitamin E
We’ve seen that most skin care products contain vitamin E. Why so? This is because vitamin E is potent antioxidant. It has the ability to stabilize free radicals in the body, preventing it from wreaking havoc on the cells and tissues. In this connection, vitamin E promotes the youthful look of the skin, reducing the emergence of wrinkles and fine line. Examples of foods abundant in vitamin E are wheat germ, vegetable oils, and avocado.

Vitamin CThis essential vitamin helps in improving blood circulation, as well as promotes the production of collagen. The reduction of the visibility of dimply skin can it attributable to these two underlying action. Among the best sources of vitamin C are green and red bell peppers, citrus fruits, broccoli, and red berries.

Vitamin ADermatologists strongly recommend the ingestion of vitamin A. it is beneficial in keeping the skin smooth and young. It can also alleviate stretch marks, acne, and eczema. Milk, carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and eggs are among the source of vitamin A.

Remember that while these vitamins can minimize the appearance of cellulite, it only makes up one side of the coin. Intake of these vitamins healthful food sources should be coupled with other remedies for cellulite like exercise and avoiding alcohol and smoking. Keeping an overall healthy lifestyle is the undisputed cellulite cure.

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Find out how essential vitamins can aid you in your fight against cellulite and can be served as best cellulite treatment . Read on and be informed that these vitamins can’t only be sourced out from supplements.