If you're a mortal man, then you have been wrong before. We all have… It's just a fact of life. No one has ever been right about everything.

This would all be fine and dandy, except...

Unfortunately, us men have a terribly bad habit… Even when we know for a fact that we are in the wrong, we will continue to defend our misguided actions, making excuse after excuse as to why it's NOT really our fault.

This is a tactic that might have worked to get us out of trouble as a child, maybe even into our adolescence, but as a grown man we should all know better. But… We don't.

As you continue reading the rest of this article word by word, you're going to be learning how to admit when you're wrong to your wife. I know it seems like about as much fun as sawing your hand off at the wrist to get out of a pair of handcuffs, but if you can get to the end of this article you'll have a new kind of freedom in your marriage ...

The Freedom to Make Mistakes

It's precisely because nobody has ever been right about everything that it's okay for anybody to be wrong about anything.

I want you to read that last sentence again, and really let it sink in...Nobody has ever been right about everything, so it is okay for anybody to be wrong about anything.

Obviously, I'm not talking about life and death situations here, and I'm not saying it's okay to go out and commit a felony on the basis of this reasoning, but in marriage this is a powerful tool to keep in the back of your mind at all times.

You need to recognize that we are all wrong sometimes (including you), and thus there is nothing to be ashamed of when you admit a mistake to your wife. We've all made mistakes!

Men Aren't Naturally Born 'Sorry-Sayers'

While both men and women share an equal propensity to make mistakes, men are historically much more hesitant to admit when they're wrong.

Call it machismo, call it boneheaded-ness, call it pride, call it whatever you want, but the fact remains that us men are TERRIBLE at saying we're sorry, and even worse at saying that we're wrong.

Now, while there's not really anything I can do to make that statement of fact any less true, I CAN tell you is that if you keep your natural, stubborn inclination in mind, it should be easier for you to recognize when it's affecting your decisions, and when you need to just man-up and say sorry.

Put Yourself in Her Shoes

One way to combat our naturally stubborn nature as man is to look at your wife's shoes. What do you think it feels like to walk inside the shoes? What do you think it feels like to see the world from your wife's eyes? What do you think it feels like to think the way you know that your wife thinks?

One of the greatest marriage tools you can ever create for yourself is a sharp sense of empathy. When you are keenly attuned to what your wife could be thinking, and what a given situation looks like from her perspective, it will be much easier for you to recognize when an argument has gone on long enough and when you're in the wrong.

Look at the Big Picture

If you really aren't the type of guy to have a strong sense of empathy, that's okay! You can still find a way around your natural tendency to NOT say sorry or admit you're wrong.

All you have to do is keep emotion out of your decisions, and throw yourself into logic with everything you got. When you start thinking logically, you also start automatically looking at the big picture… You'll start thinking about the impact that your actions have on your marriage.

When you start thinking this way… When you start thinking before you speak… I think you will be quite surprised to find that you simply don't get angry or worked up nearly as frequently.

It's kind of funny, but when you're thinking about the long-term effects of every fight, every argument and every accusation, you're much less likely to get yourself into conflicts without any real purpose or end goal.

So, Are You a Good Husband?

A good husband can admit when he's wrong. A good husband doesn't instigate conflict just to prove that he's right. Throughout this article you have learned some valuable tips to help you admit when you're wrong, but I know that you probably still have some questions, or that you'd like to continue reading more.

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