There's ONE word to keep in mind, if you want to design a signature offer or program that your potential clients can't wait to purchase from you.
If your offer is not ______________ to the people you are marketing to, they won’t care no matter how awesome your service is.
If your offer is not ______________ to YOU, your selling and marketing is going to suck.
How excited would you be about your business if you’re just punching the clock?
Can you guess what that ONE word is? I’ll tell you in a bit…
Let’s look at your market…
Your offer has to be relevant to them.
Decide whom you most want to work with. Don’t give me the same ol’ women 25 – 45 living in the suburbs and want to live a healthy life. Get into their heads… rock some psychographics.
Find out the problems and challenges they want to solve in your area of expertise.
Let’s look at YOU…
What problems and challenges you listed above excite you?
How would delivering the solution(s) allow you to express your WHY?
How can you apply your superpowers in a unique way?
How can you deliver value and create meaning through your offering?
Your offering is relevant to YOU and your market when you help your clients solve problems or challenges in a way through which you create meaning, live your message and well, just feel like you are rocking it.
But that’s just the first half of the story.

After you craft an offer that’s relevant to you and your market, you have to LET THEM KNOW why it’s awesome.
You need a way to COMMUNICATE the RELEVANCE of your offering to your potential clients.
If they don’t “get it”, they won’t pay for it.

For many multi-talented and multi-passionate folks, this is the tricky part.
You’ve 5 certifications, 12 modalities and 23 methods to meditate. How are you going to say it so you don’t get a polite smile that translates into “yeah, that sounds nice. What do they gotta do with me? Moving on…”
What if there’s a framework that helps you organize and communicate confidently how your bag of tools, skills and experience are relevant to your clients?
… a framework that gives you a filter to decide what to serve up, and how to position them?
… a framework that delivers a coherent and overarching message that ties it all together so you can have all of YOU in your biz… without sounding like a jack-of-all-trades?
Enters your signature program.
Your signature program is not only an offer you can sell proudly, confidently and profitably.The process of designing your signature system helps you get clarity about your message and how you BE in your business.
There are many ways to approach the actual design of a signature system – e.g.starting from the steps you’d take a client through, or starting from the resultsyour clients want to get.
You may have to experiment and go through a few iterations, before you find a version that’s most expressive of YOU, and put your superpowers in the best light possible.
The key is to MAP your talents, experiences, skills and processes to your clients’ needs and wants.
Every single piece in your signature program needs to be RELEVANT to those you market to.
No navel-gazing. Nothing self-gratuitous.

Here’s a super simple way to BULLET PROOF YOUR COMMUNICATION:
After the description of each “thing” you deliver or take your clients through in your signature program, add the words “…so you can…” and then finish the sentence.
Adding this phrase not only makes your communication more powerful, but it also helps you (re)connect with the needs and wants of your ideal clients, and get specific about what you offer.
E.g. “Lose 10 pounds so you can get into those pre-pregnancy skinny jeans” speaks to a different audience than “Lose 10 pounds so you can reduce your risk of heart disease and cut down on medical cost.” One screams to new moms, while the other appeals to boomers. One is not better than the other from an objective perspective, but will strike a deeper cord when presented to the right audience.
Do it for everything… even lowly “features” like recipes and email support.
E.g. “Unlimited email support so you can get back on track right away when you fall off the wagon.” Or, “Recipe collection to make gluten-free living a breeze so you don’t have to spend hours researching on the Internet or reading labels in the grocery store… and get back to living your life.”
If you can’t finish the sentence with “…so you can…”, consider 86-ing that item because it’s probably not RELEVANT to your clients or helping them achieve results.
You want your program to be a lean mean results machine. You want your ideal clients to grasp why they need to work with you, right away.
Don’t murk up your communication with stuff that don’t matter.
Because nobody wants to listen to a 30-minute pitch, or read a whole lot of text that takes them in circles.
Sounds easy, right?
“Less is more” takes discipline and discernment.

Are you throwing in everything and the kitchen sink out of the fear that you are not good enough as you are?
Are you including certain content or tools because you’ve paid for the training, or are they really truly essential to your clients’ success?
Are you dumping everything into your program just so you don’t “miss out” on covering a topic, just so you can appeal to everyone? (Hint: if you try to appeal to everyone, you dilute your message and appeal to no one.)
If you start piling stuff on without a good reason, your program will sound like a whole lot of work that may or may not yield results.
Who wants to do a lot of work? Gimme the Easy Button!
Now, can you guess what that ONE word is?

Author's Bio: 

Ling is an Intuitive Brainiac. Through her unique blend of Business + Marketing coaching with a Mindset + Psychic Twist, she helps the multi-talented and multi-passionate maverick solo-entrepreneurs distill ALL their big ideas into ONE cohesive Message, nail the WORDS that sell and design a Plan to cut the busywork and do what matters, through her intuitive yet rigorous iterative process born out of her Harvard Design School training and 10 years of experience in the online marketing industry.
Ling helps her clients optimize the space between individuality + originality vs. “tried-and-true” marketing so they can express their WHY unapologetically and profitably without reinventing the wheel.Find Ling and grab her free “How to Find YOUR Winning Formula” Training Series at .