At eight years old she was playing in large groups of friends, giggling with the other girls about which boy was the dorkiest.

At 16 she was so fearless and quite the sassy teenage girl who stood strong for herself and her worth.

When she was 24 she had these vivid visions of her amazing career that challenged her mind, fed her soul and provided her the freedom to make choices.

When she was 29, she had dreams of marrying an amazing man, bringing two beautiful children into this world and holding on to her independence.

When she was 38, was her dream life beginning to fade into the background simply because LIFE had gotten in the way? Too many sports activities for the kids and a husband who chose too many cocktails over their relationship, and now her life – her dreams and her ferociousness – was beginning to fade. But she was still hanging on because she had her career. The one place she was still in charge was at work.

By 40 she had all but faded, and what was left was a shell of her self. The marriage no longer fed her spirit as she dreamed it would. Her career ended because of the national recession, and she had no more fight in her. She was exhausted, and it might have been easier to roll over and play dead than to fight her way back. She was simply tired!

At 50 I talk with her often. She tells me she has hidden the money that pays for our sessions. Her husband would never "approve" of her spending money on growing and expanding, so it's all a dirty little secret. in that secret there is angst written all over her face and sadness in her voice. And I am sad for her.

Questions…so many questions…

~When did she lose her voice and stop speaking her truth?
~When did she decide she needed permission to participate fully in her life?
~When did the memories of who she was at the core fade away?
~When did that giggle become a part of her past?
~How did she travel to nowhere so fast?

THE REAL QUESTION:When is she going to say ENOUGH is ENOUGH?

Tips for making your DREAM LIFE your REAL LIFE:

1. Set an intention. This will be your rudder throughout this Dream life process.
2. Live in integrity. To do so means you keep agreements with yourself, with others and with your God.
3. Be willing to right-side up your life. This means that will bring in assistance to explore, create and live out your dream life.
4. Become clear on what you want in life. Speak it to everyone who will listen to and support you.
5. Believe in yourself. When others don’t believe in you, find someone who will.
6. Take action toward your dream. Daily action in 10-minute increments brings about amazing results.
7. Make an agreement with yourself that hiding YOU is no longer an option.

As you settle into yourself and take a deep breath, know that we possess the habit of over-thinking. Thus, we want to know how…How is this going to happen? Am I sure I really need it? How do I know it will work? This time, I encourage you to take a different approach and ask yourself:

What has rolling over and playing dead cost me?

While you remember the powerful, successful, strong-yet-feminine you who dreamed of living an amazing life, I encourage you to let in that creating your dream life is indeed possible. You are indeed quite worthy of living a First Class Female life. Join in for lessons and conversation during my free telecall Oct. 4 and 5.

Life, Love & Luxury in Alignment,

Debbie IngleExpert Life Designer at First Class Female

Author's Bio: 

A multi-faceted entrepreneur with 25 years behind me in Corporate America, my quest continues to bring the message to women that our answers are within. I deeply understand the limiting beliefs and roadblocks we encounter, and my job is to co-create your step-by-step choreographed path to realizing each one of your Dreams and Visions. 

At 49, I look back and question how I am so fortunate.

• I raised two amazing, college-educated daughters on my own.
• I continually made $500,000 to $750,000 annually minus a college education and, may I say, with a whole lot of integrity. (The most rewarding part of the income was the integrity piece.)
• I have a thriving marriage to an amazing man who wasn’t always so amazing (alcoholism).

I acknowledge being deeply thankful to feel fully connected with my PURPOSE AND PASSION. To fully embody living life as a First Class Female is an amazing experience, and my mission in life is to inspire and teach women to shift out of “I’m not enough” to Standing Tall in the First Class Female powerful self.