Prescription drug addiction is one of the most prolific and misunderstood problems in America today. In fact, prescriptions drugs are the second most widely abused substance in the country behind marijuana. A great deal of the recent explosion in prescription drug use can be attributed to a generalized misconception that abusing these types of drugs is safer than abusing street drugs like cocaine, meth or heroin. People often think that because prescription drugs are administered by doctors and are medically approved that they must be safer than other illicit chemicals. But what many do not realize is that prescription drugs are often made from the same chemical substances that street drugs are made from, but are usually far more concentrated and are therefore more dangerous and addictive.

The US Office of National Drug Control Policy conducted a study in 2004 that indicated more than 20% of the American adult population had abused prescription drugs at some point in their life. The study showed that the demographic spread of this group was extremely vast and ranged from the wealthiest and most educated to the very poor and illiterate. Perhaps more shocking was data that proved the elderly are especially susceptible to prescription drug addiction because they are often treated with long-term pain medications. In fact, because these drugs are prescribed by doctors many elderly have become addicted without understanding what was happening.

While the elderly make up the largest percentage of prescription drug abusers, teens make up the second largest group. Teens are able to easily obtain prescription drugs through a variety of methods including clandestine internet drug shipment companies and other drug mail-order programs. Prescription drugs are often marketed to teens as safer than street drugs because they are made in accordance with federal regulations. However, the fact of the matter is that the brain of a teen has not fully developed yet and is therefore especially vulnerable to neurological disorders such as addiction .

The health risks associated with prescription drug addiction are alarming; especially the likelihood of fatal overdose or suicide. In fact, according to (A Federally-backed website dedicated to the war on drugs) nearly all of the poisoning deaths in the United States in 2004 were caused by drugs, and most of those deaths were specifically the result of prescription drugs. These types of drugs cause serious health issues such as pulmonary depression , cardiac arrest, seizures, psychotic breaks, and other severe physical, mental and emotional disorders.

Despite the severity of the prescription drug addiction problem in the US there are a number of extremely successful treatment options available. These include:

*Residential Inpatient Treatment

*Intensive Outpatient Treatment

*Partial Hospitalization or Day/Night Treatment

This multi-level approach to substance abuse treatment utilizes professional addiction therapies such as group, individual and family therapy that focuses on treating Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome and Denial Management. If you need help, you should pick up the phone right now. The rest of your life can begin this very moment.

Get help no matter where you are by speaking to one of our Florida drug rehab professionals.

To learn more about treatment options for addiction, click here:

Author's Bio: 

Jarvey is a lifelong journalist and professional writer who specializes in the fields of drug abuse, addiciton and alcoholism.