I think Elton John had it right when he sang how “sorry seems to be the hardest word”. Both children and adults have an especially difficult time admitting wrong or harm done. And one of the most difficult things for anyone to say is “I’m sorry” and mean it. An apology is the beginning of reconciliation, but it is much more than just a basic five-letter word.

It is often very easy to offend or hurt another. In fact, a lot of times we may say or do something unintentionally but the ramifications can leave a lasting and hurtful impression. So how does one truly apologize?

In addition to leading by example, it is a good idea to teach your child at an early age the true meaning of “sorry”. That begins with an apology, identifying what you may have done wrong, and then rectifying the situation by asking the offended party how you can make amends. Remember that the words, “I’m sorry” mean nothing if they are merely empty words.

A wonderful teaching tool for compassion includes having the offending child to write out the wrong that he or she may have done. Next, ask the child to put himself in the place of the person he may have hurt. Now ask him to write out the feelings that he would have experienced if he had been the one on the receiving end of the harm done.

Another fine way to help your child understand the meaning of sorry is to simply ask her, “How would you feel if…?” and end the sentence with the specific offense. Children (and even adults) do not always think about the repercussions of their actions…or even inactions.

There are always insightful lessons that can be learned to encourage greatness and love. What lessons have you gained today to make a positive impact on your child?

© Sorry seems to be the Hardest Word
February 2012By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

Author's Bio: 

Intuitive Life Mastery Coach and THE BABY WHISPERER WITH JOAN MARIE ™, Joan Marie Whelan, brings the art of heart and soul bonding to the lives of parents and children, pre-conception - in vitro and beyond! Learn more here:  The Baby Whisperer with Joan Marie