Human growth hormones or HGH for short are produced by the pituitary gland. It peaks its production during teenage years and drastically decreases in the middle age—that is in the late 30’s or early 40’s. While supplements of HGH are proven to be safe and effective it is also imperative that we are aware as to the possible side effects that can be brought about by using HGH alternatives.

High blood pressure. It must be noted that individuals with existing high blood pressure must not take HGH supplements. Inspite of the knowledge that high blood pressure is most of the time hereditary, over dosage of HGH supplements can also trigger the occurrence of this illness.

Painful joints. The use of HGH supplements according to some can result to the swelling of the joints which ultimately becomes chronic joint pain.

Enlargement of the heart. With HGH supplements promoting growth, it can also cause heart enlargement. This is a very severe problem which when use of HGH supplements is prolonged it can be a reason for incidence of heart failure.

Hormonal imbalance. There is a possibility of imbalance in the production of hormones which could make way to stroke, cancer and heart disease .

Difficulty of sleeping. While it is proven that HGH supplements can maintain good sleeping habits , excessive intake of supplements of HGH can bring the opposite—it can lead to insomnia.

Killing of good bacteria. HGH supplements are known to promote building of strong immunity system that ultimately kills bad bacteria. But if dosage instruction is not followed, even the good bacteria can be killed in the process.

Hypoglycemia. This is the condition in which the body produces insulin. Because HGH supplements helps in production of insulin too, there is a possibility that amount of glucose in the body is reduced.

Acromegaly. Too much HGH supplements results in overproduction of human growth hormones. Acromegaly is then experienced which basicall means overgrowth of certain parts of the body. It starts with obviously bigger jaws, hands and feet. For some, they also experience overgrowth of hair all over the body. This problem is very serious and can makel life span shorter.

All the side effects of using HGH supplements shouldn’t even be discussed if an individual takes full responsibility in taking HGH supplements. Because there are no synthetic substances with these supplements, they are not supposed to cause any side effects. The problems occur only because of improper or incorrect usage of these supplements. The way to avoid problem to arise is very simple. Only buy the most respected and reliable brands and follow dosage instructions strictly—by then you can be assure of your safety.

Author's Bio: 

While there are many health benefits of HGH , there are also people claiming that use of releasers or HGH supplements can be dangerous. What is the truth behind all these claims?