Today we live and work in a very competitive world. Whether you are a brick and mortar retailer, an information marketer, an internet marketer a small business owner of any kind, you need to find ways to stand above your competition an all areas of your business. There are probably many other business owners who have products – services and niches similar to yours. Here are 5 tips to Stand Up in your niche and separate yourself from all others….

1. Provide clear solution for your clients and help them achieve their goals.
The challenges of running and maintaining a profitable business can inherently cause you to be self focused. It’s more important to focus on your client’s needs and focusing on providing quality solutions to what they want. Invest time learning the key objectives of each of your customers.
The more you can help them achieve their goals the more valued you will become. Always under-promise, over-deliver. We’ve all heard it before and as old as this expression is, it is still one of the best ways to stand out and stand up in your business and niche. Many business owners make commitments to their customers with good intention but fail to deliver as promised. While most customers will forgive every now and then, developing a habit, whether intentional or not, will certainly drive customers to your competition.
2. Be creative and innovative.
Don’t become part of the “same old – same old crowd. Don’t become complacent. Be innovative and creative. Your customers will enjoy doing business with you if you mix it up a bit. When things are going well we all have a tendency to keep everything the same until there is a crisis or emergency. Constantly look for new ways to be a leader in your niche. Lead – don’t follow. You know what they say, “ If you’re not the lead dog the view is always the same”.
3. Reward your clients occasionally - surprise them.
Think of little ways you can reward you client now and again. Maybe you occasionally send them a gift card or donate to one of their favorite charities. Extending good will and rewards to your clients will make a great impression. They will probably never go anywhere else when you show you care.
4. Develop a personal touch.
Very few people keep in touch on a regular basis with their customers. Sending a personal card or postcard on occasion is definitely an effective strategy. A thank you card – handwritten – works wonders when a customer invests in your product and service. You can also send them helpful and practical tips to improve their business or life; this can be set up quite easily electronically.
5. Reward your customers by holding a special event.
You can organize a VIP event or a customer appreciation event. Invite your customers to an open house. I have a client in the printing business. Every year she invites all of her premium clients to the shop where they eat and network. If you have an online business, you might consider complementary teleseminars or events. The more you give to your clients – the more you will receive.

Author's Bio: 

Diane Conklin is an internationally known author, entrepreneur, coach, consultant, event planner, speaker and copywriter. Diane is a direct response marketing expert who specializes in showing small business owners how to integrate their online and offline marketing strategies, media and methods, to get maximum results from their marketing dollars. As a marketing and business strategist, Diane shows entrepreneurs and small business owners how to outperform their competition by measuring their marketing, and strategically use multi-media campaigns to stand alone in their marketplace as the go-to provider for their products and services.