What Are You Digesting?

With all of the big bad scary news blaring at us, we must ask ourselves this question! Consider it a provocative question to reflect on, beyond the literal meaning of digestion. In today's climate, it's essential to your well being and any chance of fueling smart, inspired success.

What am I digesting?... What is fueling positive, sustainable, effective choices and actions? What is clogging up my system with distractions, doubts, derailments, draining away my chances for being at my best?

Increase your active awareness- "spy on yourself" about what you are digesting. Not just food, but everything that you are exposed to--that could be nourishing, draining or potentially toxic to you system. Are you digesting agitating news upon waking or violent TV before falling asleep? Gossip at the water cooler? Frustration in traffic? I'm not saying we put our heads in the sand and pretend the world is pink candy. In order to be a person who actually creates a positive life/career success/business results for self and for a better world needs to be a  smart energy manager - and not get sucked into the quicksand.

What would be intelligent, inspiring fuel for YOU? Positive energy exchanges with your partner, friends, family and colleagues at work? How can you enhance the positive input and offset some of the not-so-great stuff that's just part of real life these days? Whatever we focus on expands.

Gratitude is one example of a powerful G force that stirs up more efficient flow and  abundant opportunities. Gossip and gripes stir up more negative energy and shut things down. Today, commit to being smarter Director of your energy by consciously managing what fills your mind, and thus your life experience, work performance, etc.

One simple tool to try:

At lunchtime, try a habit of digesting positive energy along with that sandwich. I bought a new journal with "It's a Wonderful Life" on cover and write in it at lunch. (Or just sit quietly reflecting if I don't actually write it all down). The recipe includes Gratitudes, things to acknowledge in your own growth, awareness, find things to celebrate, note things that have been interesting or inspiring (e.g. ooh- I really enjoyed X person talking on 60 minutes) Is there a book, magazine or blog that you know turns on the positive juices in you? Have that for lunch. You get the idea. Spend a good 5 minutes daily (and at least one longer fill-up weekly) in this very intentional habit. Try this for 30 days and notice the impact in many areas of your life.

Author's Bio: 

Marian Baker, Master Certified Coach, Speaker
Wake Up Inspired; Create Meaningful Success in Life, Livelihood & Leadership in a Whole New Light
Named one of 50 top coaches in America, Marian Baker is a master certified coach, speaker and award-winning author of Wake Up Inspired - Fuel Healthier Success and Love the Life You're Meant to Lead. She specializes in equipping growth-seeking achievers to create sustainable, joyful success and be the new kind of inspired leaders we need for better lives today and our new future. Her book has earned 5-star reviews on Amazon and national Book of the Year Awards. She's been featured on ABC-TV, in PINK Magazine, Health Magazine and other media. She loves this work, admires her clients and falls asleep grateful in Chicago.
For more information, visit http://www.wakeupinspired.com/net