What is your reason for being motivated? Answering this question daily is one of the better ways to keep your motivation high. Along with this method, here are some more simple ways to keep yourself motivated that have worked for others. Chances are that some of these methods will help motivate you as well.

Seven Methods To Great Motivation

1. Share Your Plans. To get back into the mood to continue, try telling someone close to you what your plans are to help you stop procrastinating. Find a good listener that will also be able to give you encouragement. This is a great way to get motivated if it is something that you are right into.

2. Use Your Imagination . Imagine your plans completed and the rewards that come with it. Imagination is a powerful motivator that is used to sign people up to get rich quick scams. Good salesmen can have you picturing yourself in a dream home within minutes, which is a great motivator to get your deposit together, or sign the dotted line. Try being your own salesman to get results.

3. Utilize Pain. Use Neuro-Linguistic Programming to understand the pain involved with not taking action. For example, picturing your kids in jail for drug use can motivate you to have a talk with them about drugs before it gets to that stage. This will help the act of linking rewards to action by adding the flip side to it. Linking pain to not taking action is a great motivator.

4. Take An Honest Interest. Having an interest in your goal will help keep you motivated enough to follow through but if you don't have an interest and you still need to complete it, just remember the reasons you have for beginning in the first place.

5. Be Energetic. Motivation can come in the form of energy and while some people drink coffee, you will need to find a way to create some energy for yourself. Don't reach for the sugar filled foods but rather, try exercising and getting a good nights sleep.

6. Create A Proper Head Space. While depressed, you will not feel motivated. Keep working on your plan for when your mood is lighter.

7. Begin With A Small Step. Committing to finishing apart of your goal will leave you wanting to complete the rest. Getting started, even by small steps, can be a great motivator.

Here you have some great ideas to motivate yourself but how should you motivate yourself to start on these ideas? This question will be left up to you to answer. Another motivator that may help is humor. Laughing will make bigger plans less overwhelming. This makes eight methods you can use for motivation each day.

Author's Bio: 

Emily Dawson is an avid motivation and health article writer. Emily writes mainly on topics such as motivation and weight loss, with a strong focus on diet motivation .