It is somewhat sad to see services and such as cheap dial up internet and paper mail, being phased out in favour of newer technologies however, this is necessary process in the evolution of technology.
Here is list of things which will probably disappear in the next 10 years.
Post Offices
Many post offices have closed down and the majority that are left are in deep financial problems, mainly due to internet services and email. Many types of mail such as banking and bills are now going paperless. Soon we might have to get ready for a world without post offices.
Many newspapers are shutting down or going exclusively online. Newspapers are losing vital revenues to sustain paper operations, particularly those generated through advertising since more and more companies are placing their adds on free websites instead.
Dial-up Internet
It is likely that even cheap dialup services will be completely phased out and replaced by much faster technologies. Services such as cable and broadband are being offered at increasingly cheaper prices by phone companies and are now widely available, throughout the country. Its unlikely many kids nowadays will even know what dialup internet is anymore.

Landline Telephones
A decade ago landlines were still an essential household utility, however in recent times its popularity has waned and increasingly people are coping without them. Households are now increasingly turning to mobile phone services to make their calls. Many households are no longer willing to pay the extra cost for the landline and mobile phone companies can offer the same service, without the any additional costs to their tariff.
Paper Books
Books will probably last the longest on this list but its inevitable they will eventually succumb to digital e-books, available on products like the Apple IPad and Amazon kindle. The services available today undoubtedly offer more convenience than paper books , such as being able to browse online book stores, purchase and download books from any internet accessible location and the fact that e-books are available at significantly lower prices than regular books . Furthermore, with mobile devices you can carry a virtually unlimited number of e-books compared to regular books.

Compact DiscsDo many people even buy CDs anymore? People can illegally download entire albums for free in a matter of minutes. ITunes has now become the main distributer of music, with CDs hardly ever being purchased ,many high street stores are facing an uncertain future With the rise in digital music which offers many more advantages in costs, storage and distribution, its unlikely that there will be any room for the CD in the next few years.

It cannot be ignored services and technologies such as cheap dialup internet and CDs, which have had a profound effect on the world, are now likely to completely disappear in the near future. However, this process of replacing the old with the new is a natural process in just about everything, including technology and will continue to be the case.. always.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article is very interested in technology past and present and here asks the question, should cheap dial up and other old technologies be forgotten or should be bring them back into the mainstream?